Club Assembly (Zoom)

Tue, Jun 9th 2020 at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Reception - Grace Morris

Club Assembly 

It is the time of year for the Club’s Annual Assembly, an opportunity for the President Elect to reveal his planning for the coming session.

For the 2020-2021 session that privilege falls to Jim Allison, who used the airwaves of the Zoom meeting to outline his views for what will be a challenging year. Jim spoke of the need for the Club to adapt much of its efforts and resources to organise fund-raising events without the chance to have group gatherings, either inside or outside.

Currently, the bright spot has been a near full house for all of the Zoom meetings which have taken place during lockdown. The Club has also attracted and taken on board nine new members in the last two years. This, said Jim, showed a healthy move to continue the Club’s undoubted community spirit and the ongoing intention to provide assistance to those who need it locally, either financial or otherwise.

Clearly there is going to be a need for greater versatility in fund-raising. The Club’s main source of funded income is from the annual International Golf Day at Kingsbarns Links. It will be affected whether it is unable to go ahead or does so in a reduced format.

Many of the Club’s youth projects – which have always been integral to the Club’s work – will almost certainly be on hold until the Government allows more scope for external gatherings and events.

Jim concluded his presentation by saying he was eagerly looking forward to his year in office, despite the obvious problems which lie ahead.

Jim was followed on screen by John Holme, Assistant Governor of Area 7, District 1010, and a member of Auchterarder and District Rotary Club.

From his home in Stirlingshire, John was quick to praise the Kilrymont Club for its consistent performance in doing great things for the community, having a good Club fellowship and a fine public image in the community.

His opinion mirrored most in attendance – that it is unlikely any UK Rotary clubs will be able to meet physically until at least after Christmas this year. That means finding other ways to progress club fellowship and it will also require greater measures to take care of risk assessment and compliance because of the current circumstances.

He declared he was delighted to have been involved in the Assembly meeting and wished the President Elect and the Club every success.


'What We Do' Main Pages:


Held every Thursday during Scottish school holidays starting 4th July

Aerial view of Dumbarnie Links

The Annual Charity Golf Event for Rotarians held at Dumbarnie Links

Invasive species removal 1.11.21

Rotarians helping the local community


held at St Andrews Botanical Gardens.
