Arthur Griffiths

Tue, Mar 3rd 2020 at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Reception - Forbes Lockhart
Menu Choice - Ian Black

Dealing with Major Disease Outbreaks

Based on his experience as a government vetinerary surgeon, Arthur Griffiths will  talk about some major disease outbreaks that he has been involved in over 40 years. Dealing with major disease outbreaks involves the same skills be they in animals, fish, birds or man.  This is particularly relevant in the light of the Coronavirus.


'What We Do' Main Pages:


Held every Thursday during Scottish school holidays starting 4th July

Aerial view of Dumbarnie Links

The Annual Charity Golf Event for Rotarians held at Dumbarnie Links

Invasive species removal 1.11.21

Rotarians helping the local community


held at St Andrews Botanical Gardens.
