Speaker Iain Fraser

Tue, Feb 4th 2020 at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Topic - Opera

Reception - Ewen Allan
Menu choice - Will Aitken



Club member Iain Fraser and his brothers Peter and Stephen have a lasting love for operatic music thank sto their father.
Some 10 years ago Iain and his siblings were bemoaning what seemed to be a swift demise of opera in Scotland. So much so they determined to bring their obsession to a much wider public by creating a website which would provide not only information but serve to promote the genre.
With some success. The website, operascotland.org, now has a huge audience and is wholeheartedly supported by the country’s national organisation, Scottish Opera.
As both an historical and current hub, the website identifies more than 700 operas which have been performed in Scotland over a lengthy period, lists 13,000 performers and in excess of 23,000 operatic performances.
Much to the surprise of the bulk of his audience, Iain explained that the original opera performances in Scotland were in 1763, performed by the first-ever visit of an Italian opera company to these shores.
He then went on to tell of some of the famous people who have sung in Scotland and concluded by suggesting that those who had never been to an opera should give it a try – and that he wouldn’t be trying to encourage anyone by breaking into song….!
Ewen Allan proposed a vote of thanks and noted that he had never been to opera but would now think of doing so.
For a full report see the March Issue of Kilrymont Klips.

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