China and Football Training

Tue, Jan 14th 2020 at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Experience of coaching football in China

St Andrews man Duncan Donald is Head of Coaching at AMSoccer Code Coach Education in Cupar, and has recently returned from an eight-week stint in the city of Chengdu, capital of the Sichuan province of western China.
Duncan presented a detailed report of his time there. His brief – prompted by an invitation from the football authorities in this city of 9 million – was to promote the coaching of young players aged 5-15 and the development of a coaching system. Which, he was informed by his hosts, will soon lead to China winning the football World Cup!
His introduction to the Chinese way of doing business was also an eye-opener. A first meeting was followed by the group repairing to a restaurant for large amounts of food and drink then into a karaoke bar. Followed by the second meeting – and the second restaurant and karaoke experience. Then a final meeting when toasts were drunk all round to a successful conclusion.
He also enjoyed a variety of new foods, including pot stews of pig’s brains and chickens’ feet. 
On football matters Duncan was very happy with the outcome of his coaching sessions. His hosts showed him a photograph taken at one of the sessions when a large number of parents watched their children in action. Not one of the spectators was using a mobile phone – which is not just unusual but unheard of in this mobile-obsessed society. This, said his hosts, was “a sign of his success”.
For a full report see the February Issue of Kilrymont Klips which will be posted here at the end of the month.

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