Speaker: Christopher Trotter

Tue, Jul 9th 2019 at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Topic: Seasonal Fife

Reception: Will Aitken
Menu Choice: Jim Douglas

President John Fernie introduced the evening’s guest speaker Christopher Trotter, well-known in the area as a passionate advocate for all that is best in Scottish fresh food produce and for his determination to have best of customer service in Scottish hospitality establishments.

A former chef and hotelier, Christopher has authored 12 cookery books, three of them focussing on Scottish cooking and tradition.

These days he acts as a food consultant, organising training workshops, food festivals and demonstrations for businesses and schools.

Christopher said that having worked in several overseas venues, on returning to Scotland only then did he fully realise the wealth, variety and excellence of the produce on our doorstep. He regards Fife in particular as an area with some of the best food globally, whether it is vegetables, meats or seafood.

He urged his audience to pay attention when shopping to check the source of the produce they are purchasing and do their best to buy local produce.

In that vein, as the ambassador for “Seasonal Fife”, Christopher has embarked on a series of mostly vegetable-based demonstrations. Each project is themed to show off locally-sourced foods in season, the first of which was broccoli. Next this month will be a “beanfeast” – cooking four courses all using broadbeans. On October in Inverkeithing the menus will include mackerel, which Christopher regards as the healthiest of fish to eat and which beats salmon for flavour, quantity and availability.

The final leg of the quartet will indeed involve legs – of roe deer venison. This will take place in Lindores near Newburgh and also feature other varieties of game.

Furthering his passion for Scottish produce, Christopher is always keen to educate children to understand what a great place Scotland is for fresh produce. He is also a great believer in supporting the large number of people who work tirelessly to turn out fabulous foods, from cheeses to chops.

He concluded that we in this country are fortunate. Basically, we have to eat – or die! And we have the best of choices when eating.

Will Aitken’s vote of thanks praised Christopher’s undoubted enthusiasm and for his hugely interesting presentation.

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