Breakfast meeting - Speaker on GDPR

Thu, Aug 2nd 2018 at 7:15 am - 8:30 am

Our meeting is held every Thursday morning at the Northfield Centre, Cooperative St Stafford. All are welcome. Breakfast is £12.00

I don't want to bore you to death, but it is worth spending 20 minutes on how the new legislation impact on you as an individual and as a club. Nothing to technical, just a common sense approach.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Here, Geoff is pictured with Jane Cooper, next year's District 1210 Governor and Stephanie Urchick, next year's International Rotary President.

Geoff Cooper is our current President guiding the club through his year.


The club has been involved with several international projects in South Africa and Uganda. We are currently involved with Lendwithcare and a project in Nepal.

2024 National Young Environmentalist winners from our District.

Rotary Great Britain and Ireland sponsor many youth activities to encourage young people to participate in as a part of their personal development. Full details are available on the District 1210 web site,

This year's lunch featuring the sing along.

A recent community project was the Pensioners Lunch on 21st June. 78 pensioners, most of whom live by themselves and frequently do not have contact with others were treated to lunch with wine and entertainment.
