Stafford Women's Refuge

Mon, Feb 1st 2016 at 8:40 am- Thu, Apr 14th 2016 - 8:40 am

district grant funding secured for play area by the three Rotary clubs in Stafford

Womens Refuge - Stafford

Once in a while projects touch you and have a great impact on the difference they are going to have on peoples lives. The 1210 District Rotary grant enabled RC Stafford Knot to get involved with the group. One of their management team spoke paasionately to us about the needs of this group of women and children.

The group have been working towards a new facility for the vulnerable women for several years and in 2016 this has now come to fruision. It is a fabulous premises and an caring and warm environment to start to rebuild your life at.

The three Rotary clubs in Stafford joined together to apply for a District grant. in total £1,800 was provided to enable the construction and fitting out of a play area for the younger children. We focused on the actual play equipment. Equipment that is robust and will last the test of time is not cheap. The multi functional climbing frame and intelligent active vertical board games now proudly sit in the secure area of the play ground. Their bright colours enticing children to play and explore the equipment. It is fair to say that our small contribution will bring happy smilea and hours of fun to these children who are re building their lives.  

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