With the success of the Gryffe Valley 10K Run in May 2019, the club had spent more than £250,000 over the twenty-four years since its formation in 1995. This was a huge achievement by the thirty-five members, who include 9 founder members. In June 2021, spending reached £278,000.
A full listing of the beneficiaries of the monies raised up to June 2018 is published on the club website at Brochure180630-1.pdf , Brochure180630-2.pdf . Averaged over the years, 60% of funds raised have been devoted to Community and Youth and 40% to International (including Rotary Foundation, Emergency Relief and International Projects).
The top-ten beneficiaries in the first twenty-four years were:
Wheelyboat for wheelchair users at Castle Semple Loch £30,000
Rotary Foundation – Rotary’s own charity £17,716
Renfrewshire Young Carers – eleven annual outings £17,289
CHAS children’s hospice £13,000
500 miles charity providing prosthetics in Africa £12,750
Shelterbox emergency shelters £12,594
Renfrewshire Therapeutic Toy Library £10,000
St Vincent’s Hospice £9,500
Disabled Sailing at Castle Semple £7,247
Dentistry in Romania £5,845
At the other end of the scale more than 200 donations in the range £50 to £500 have been made to deserving local groups and individuals.
Gryffe Valley Rotary has many requests for help but is still always interested to hear from individuals or groups of opportunities to support local projects financially or through member’s efforts. Please contact the club via the contact button on the website (Google Gryffe Valley Rotary) or by speaking to a member.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Long distance walking route - the length of the Gryffe Valley from the source of the river near Loch Thom to Linwood
moreClimate Change series- eminent speakers from around the UK in the months leading up to and following the COP26 summit in Glasgow in November 2021
moreTo support disabled sailing for wheelchair users at Castle Semple Loch Gryffe Valley Rotary purchased a special powered Wheelyboat to enabled those in wheelchairs to get out onto the water.
moreThe club organises outings for groups of Renfrewshire Young Carers, with activities followed by a meal and drink. Some years we visited Xscape at Braehead, Hillington for the electric go-karts, and then Castle Semple Loch