Piping the Marches at Kinghorn

Piping the Marches

Kinghorn 17th June 2007

26 people (and one dog) assembled at the Doo Dells car park in Kinghorn on a fine afternoon for the annual Piping the Marches. The group followed the young piper down to Kinghorn beach, along the prom and past the old Kinghorn church before tackling the South Overgate Brae. Turning east they walked around the Abden estate, picking up a few more walkers en route before crossing the main road to Orchard Terrace. Then, followed the long walk along the back road, (fortunately without the normal west wind in their faces) to the Kilcruick Junction. Crossing the road and dropping down the donkey field they had magnificent views over Edinburgh from the top of the Golf Course. A brisk pace down past the golf course and across to the cemetery (quietly), entitled them to the luxury of a seat looking west towards the bridges. The folk then split up, with some descending the steep steps to Pettycur beach, and others taking the gentler slope along Rossness Drive to meet up again on Pettycur Road. A short stride from there took them back to the starting position where they adjourned for well-earned cup of tea in the Rosslands Motel, courtesy of Rotary. All had a good day and hopefully we can build on this next year.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

A very successful Burns recitation competition was held in each of the Primary schools, Burntisland, Kinghorn and Auchtertool. What a lot of talented youngsters there are! The three worthy winners performed at the Clubs Burns supper.


Speaker on Zoom - Derek Thomson- RI Conference- Hamburg


After a wet but successful Yard sale held in several locations, £1,600 was raised to support local charities. Fun and fellowship was the name of the game, raising funds was a bonus.


"New Rotarian on the Block"


Burntisland RotaKids have delivered their Christmas gifts to the residents of Links View, Burntisland. Everyone had a great time and the residents enjoyed their gifts and cake etc. Many of the residents sang along with the children.


Thanks to all of you who joined us for our Burns evening, over 500 tickets were sold to support the work of Rotary. The money raised, £2121 will be split between Rotary Foundation and “End Polio Now”


.News from the Club


School Events, Sport & Fellowship, Environmental, Supporting Young People,Local Support, International Projects and Medical Charities.


President Ken Kirkwood representing the Club laid a wreath at Kinghorn War Memorial remembering all those who had fallen in past wars.


Our first Zoom vocational from Rotarian Val Wills

Rotarians, partners and friends enjoying the sunshine

The Club’s past President’s garden party was a huge success. In the hottest day of the year, members, partners and friends enjoyed great food, plenty of wine and great company, thank you David & Ishbel for hosting the social event of the year in your beau


Great weekend helping Sands Hotel with their Inaugural Beer & Gin Festival in exchange for fundraising
