Stainborough Rotary funds Gardening Projects in Ghana

Stainborough has sent £1000 to fund a group of ladies in Gadi, to enable them to farm an area, to make the group and their families self sufficient.

Stainborough Rotary support projects and communities at a local, national and international level.

We are working with the Penistone based charity Ghana-Outlook on this amazing farming project. Where money is raised allowing a group of women, to fence an area, provide tools, training and seed corn, to make the group self sufficient.

The gardening groups consist of around 20 women. The communities where these women live are very deprived and life is hard. Women are the heart and soul of the family. Where they have husbands they work their own land. if they dont have a husband or their husbands have moved to the cities to try and find work, life is extremely hard.

The community gardens give the women a chance of independence and empowerment that they use for the benefit and care of the family.  There are no financial handouts or food banks in Ghana, life in many of these remote areas is a daily struggle to survive to just get food and water on the table.

We praise the work of the group, and the pictures speak for themselves. Thanks to all who have made this initiative possible.

This particular community group is from Gadi in North Ghana, close to the border with Burkino Faso.

’Thank you Stainborough Rotary club. You have given us a garden from which we can feed our families. We don’t know you, but you have given us your faith and trust in us. We are very happy and we will continue to work hard in our garden….

The cost of setting up a community garden for 20 women costs £1000. This enables them to secure the land, fence it off from wild animals, buy seeds and gardening tools and give training in gardening and crop growing, leadership and financial management. Ghana Outlook our partner charity works with local a NGO in to develop community farming projects. There are more groups of women needing the start up like the group above.

So far Ghana Outlook have set up three such projects with around 80 women involved. All three projects are doing well and worth every penny of the investment. The number of beneficiaries will be more than 400 benefitting from food on the table and a small income for education and healthcare.

The success of these projects encourages other women to want to set up a gardening group. So we have a neverending list of groups keen to start. Of course they have no money, or certainly not enough to set one up and that’s where Rotary can help.  It has to be one of the best returns for a £1000 investment where it transforms the lives of 20 women and their beneficiaries. The project provides food on the table, income to buy basic necessities like medicines. It teaches leadership and financial management so the projects continue year after year.

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3. International work

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