Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

Tue, Jul 23rd 2024 at 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

From 1.00 p.m Funeral service of Geoffrey Barton via Zoom Apologies to r.j.ward@leeds.ac,uk or 07905337427 Reception and grace Graham Davies

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Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

more Change of plan:to be arranged Apologies to r.j.ward@leeds.ac.uk or 07905337427 Reception and grace Robert Mirfield

Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

more Business meeting Apologies to r.j.ward@leeds.ac.uk or 07905337427 Reception and grace Andrew Wilson

President Elect Alicia Ridout, President Janet Appleton and Past President Geoff Bartrum face the future with confidence

Club evening meeting 6.30 for 7.00 p.m.

more Club handover with President Geoff Bartrum passing on the chain of office to President Elect Janet Appleton and President Nominee Alicia Ridout with an additional surprise. Apologies to alyson.wort@hotmail.co.uk

John Kitching Paul Harris Fellow

Will the real John Kitching stand up please?

more Always kept a surprise President Geoff Bartrum presents a Paul Harris Fellow Award

Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

more Speaker Bill Kerr on 'My life in football' Apologies and cash desk Alyson Wort reception and grace Bill Hudson

Board meeting at Horsforth Golf Club: 9 August 6.00 p.m.

more Minutes, agenda and treasurer's report will have been circulated

Tuesday meeting 12.00 for 12.30 finishing at 14.00

more Speakers are Jenny Coonan and Kerry Magson of the Principle Trust Children's Charity with apologies to Alyson Wort for cash desk and Barrie Oldam covering reception and grace

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Administration, Public Relations and the website

back This Committee ensures meetings run smoothly, arranges events both fund-raising and social, seeks ways to publicise activities and maintains the website. Reports on activities follow below, although they will often feature on the homepage.