Supporting the Environment - Seventh Area of Focus

This is a new category of service activity supported by global grants beginning on 1 July 2021. The Club has been involved for some years tree planting in Nunroyd Park and Litter Picking around our area.


Environment Group Team Leader Alyson Wort:

Supporting the Environment: Seventh Area of Focus

More than $18 million in Rotary Foundation global grant funding has been allocated to environment related projects over the past five years, Creating a distinct area of focus to support the environment will give Rotary members even more ways to bring about positive changes in the world and increase our impact.

In 1990-91 R.I. President Paulo Costa made the environment one of his primary causes, creating the Preserve Planet Earth subcommittee, which looked at ways Clubs and members could conduct environmental initiatives. Past R. I. President Ian Riseley, chair of the Enviromental Issues task force which championed the new area of focus commented 'We have finally caught up to Costa and his vision'.

During the 2023/2024 year we will continue to persuade members to reduce their use of single use plastic - the focus must be on reducing, then re-using, then recycling as the last resort.  There is a lot of publicity around the mountains of recycling turning up in other countries, emanating from the UK and we must do our bit to address this.  Think globally but act locally.

I am still trying to organise a Club visit to the Recycling Centre in Leeds which will educate us all further.  There may be interest, particularly amongst new members, of a second visit to the Waste Recovery Centre as well.

Litter picking will continue both as a Club activity from time to time but also individual efforts.

The students at Leeds Trinity University who belong to Enactus will be invited to come and speak to the Club as they do outstanding voluntary service connected to the environment.

I have spoken to Peter Lambert, who organises environmental activities with some of the students at Woodhouse Grove and there may be some synergy with Club activities. 

                              CLUB ASSEMBLY MEETING - 21 JUNE 2022

 We will continue to work with Zeo Muda on New Road Side, Horsforthas there is a great deal of synergy between us and what we are trying to achieve. The space outside their shop gives us a good platform to promote Rotary and our activities. We plan to have this as a base for the next Leeds-wide litter pick, encouraging not just our own Club members to take part but members of the local community. This will also be a good PR exercise in the hope of attracting new members.


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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Apres lockdown - Kirkstall Abbey for coffee

The Rotary Club of Aireborough owes a great debt to the fine efforts of this committee. Traditionally recruitment begins via personal contact with a member and with meetings now held on both Tuesday lunchtime and Thursday evening there are more options.

Start of the Leeds to Paris walk for Zarach

This Committee ensures meetings run smoothly, arranges events both fund-raising and social, seeks ways to publicise activities and maintains the website. Reports on activities follow below, although they will often feature on the homepage.

Jakethon - an annual fundraising event a favourite at the Scarborough Conference

The Community Leader organises events some yearly including Dictionaries4 Life, Easter Egg Hunt, Jakethon and the Halloween Trail as well as the Social Interactive Quiz. It also supports the Friends of Guiseley Cemetery and the Beer Festival.

Helping Billy Gregsonachieve his dream

This committee covers activities relating to schools, Rotary competitions and individuals in this age group seeking support

Raising a glass for Dr Pendsey

This Committee supports activities financially and through hands-on help, with Aquaboxes for disaster areas, micro-loans for budding entrepreneurs, partnering the Bambisanani project and providing menstrual care kits for pupils.


Fundraising for Rotary's own charity, Foundation, includes the weekly wine raffle. Foundation funds the Peace Department at Bradford University and its funding saw the Club host many Foundation supported Ambassadorial Scholars studying in Leeds.

International Litter Picking Day takes place in Yeadon for Aireborough Rotary

This is a new category of service activity supported by global grants beginning on 1 July 2021. The Club has been involved for some years tree planting in Nunroyd Park and Litter Picking around our area.


The Thursday group initially the Nomads began as a satellite group meeting on the first and third Thursdays of the month at Horsforth Golf Club between 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. on an informal 'drop-in'basis. Periodically other venues are also explored.

Speaker with a difference from Blood Bikes

Tuesday lunchtimes was the only weekly meeting when the Club began in 1953 originally meeting at the then Yeadon Airport. Since then as times have changed so have the venues but we are now firmly ensconced at Horsforth Golf Club
