Motor Car Based Treasure Hunt

Tue, Jul 7th 2020 at 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

The start point will be the Calderbridge village hall car park and the finish point will be the car park next to Furness Supply in Egremont. The event is open to members and friends.

 Please note that we are holding a motor car treasure hunt in the evening of 7 July.

The start point will be the Calderbridge village hall car park and the finish point will be the car park next to Furness Supply in Egremont. (this is so Graham can get a takeaway at the end of the event)

  • The event is open to members and friends.
  • The entry fee is £5 per car. Payment to be collected at the start please.  
  • The start time will be flexible, anytime between 6 pm and 7 pm.

 Currently I am trusting to luck that not everyone will turn up at the same time. However if we expect a large number of entries, then start times might need to be allocated to you. Probably alphabetically.  

 Could you please therefore e mail Evan by Wednesday 1 July to indicate your intention. i.e. to participate / not participate and also if you intend to invite a friend to bring their car too.

Contact Evan Wright about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

One of the nearly 100 exhibits at the rally

Our first event of this kind raised over £2000 for The Great North Air Ambulance. Thank you to all who participated.

Serving Tea

This is an annual event for local pensioners


Alan Hurst Charity Walk Roseberry Topping to Robin Hood's Bay

A Steaming Success

2014 Gosforth Show gate manning

A tricky descent into the Tees Valley

The 2013 Alan Hurst Walk involved walking 40 miles of the Teesdale Way starting at Cow Green reservoir, Co. Durham. The participants as usual were club members plus spouses and friends and was in aid of the "West Cumbria Hospice at Home" charity

A pause in a long day

The yearly Alan Hurst Walk followed part of the Rob Roy way in Scotland


Members and guests enjoy an evening walk in Eskdale followed by a drink and a meal at the Woolpack Inn.


May 2005 Clearing Egremont Cycle Path

2004 Summer Walk Hadrian's Wall

Summer Charity Walk July 2004 along Hadrians Wall,


2004 Easter Collection at Sellafield Visitors Centre, for Polio Eradication

Ascent of Whernside

2003 Charity Walk in aid of Macmillan Nurses was the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Route
