2002 Summer Walk Welsh Peaks

2002 Summer Charity Walk in the Welsh Peaks in Aid of the West Cumbria Alzheimers Society

Every year the Rotary Club of West Lakeland undertake a sponsored event for charity which also, bearing in mind the requirement to have fun, allows the club and partners to enjoy a few days together. Therefore on Friday 5th July 2002 about 30 members and guests of the Rotary Club of West Lakeland went to Wales on the clubs annual sponsored event. Organised this year by Vice p Terry Dixon and his wife Eileen.


Leaving early on the Friday the coach arrived at a layby somewhere in darkest Wales and the club disembarked to start the adventure with the notorious Crib Goch, this was wreathed in mist much to the relief of the vertigo sufferers. This was followed by Carnedd Ugain, Yr Wydda, Snowdon and the bar of the Royal Victoria Hotel, Llanberis where we heard the notable comment

'What We Do' Main Pages:

One of the nearly 100 exhibits at the rally

Our first event of this kind raised over £2000 for The Great North Air Ambulance. Thank you to all who participated.

Serving Tea

This is an annual event for local pensioners


Alan Hurst Charity Walk Roseberry Topping to Robin Hood's Bay

A Steaming Success

2014 Gosforth Show gate manning

A tricky descent into the Tees Valley

The 2013 Alan Hurst Walk involved walking 40 miles of the Teesdale Way starting at Cow Green reservoir, Co. Durham. The participants as usual were club members plus spouses and friends and was in aid of the "West Cumbria Hospice at Home" charity

A pause in a long day

The yearly Alan Hurst Walk followed part of the Rob Roy way in Scotland


Members and guests enjoy an evening walk in Eskdale followed by a drink and a meal at the Woolpack Inn.


May 2005 Clearing Egremont Cycle Path

2004 Summer Walk Hadrian's Wall

Summer Charity Walk July 2004 along Hadrians Wall,


2004 Easter Collection at Sellafield Visitors Centre, for Polio Eradication

Ascent of Whernside

2003 Charity Walk in aid of Macmillan Nurses was the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Route
