On Wednesday 15th January our guest speaker was Mrs Julie Rutherford, the wife of one of our members who is also a volunteer for the local MND Society (Motor Neurone Disease Society). Firstly Julie apologised, saying she is only a volunteer at the society and had been parachuted in to give the talk. She told us that she had been attracted to be involved when two friends of hers contacted the disease. One sadly has died. She told us that MND is a muscle wasting disease that can strike anyone, her friend had been a fit and healthy person who had developed a problem with her foot which eventually turned out to be the start of MND ! However when it does strike it is devastating for families who have suddenly a need for all sorts of help which is where the society steps in. They are there for advice and help. The individuals life can be transformed by something as simple as an Ipad, or they may need in to consider massive changes to their home. Installing equipment such as lifts or disability friendly bathrooms is expensive and often beyond the means of normal working families not to mention families struck down with MND ! Here the society can step in but they also need help to create the financial muscles needed for this vital work.
Julie told us that MND sufferers, when diagnosed are referred to Preston which is the centre of expertise for our area. The society also has an Association Visitor who goes into the community as much to help the close relatives of the sufferer as themselves. Currently there are 12 people with the disease in our locality and 12 families requiring help and assistance. To help raise funds Julie is planning a dance next month at the Lisdoonie and is hoping that they will have a good turn out and raise some sorely needed funds.
After questions, Rotarian Graham Postlethwaite gave the Vote of Thanks.