Rotary Life Education Caravan

Rotary Support for Life Education Centre, Nottinghamshire

Since the inception of the Rotary District project in 1994, Vale of Belvoir Rotary Club has annually provided financial support to enable schools to receive its programmes and this year is no exceptiion. On Thursday 15th February 2018 President Adrian presented a cheque for £1250 to Bill Banner, company secretary and a founder member of The Vale of Belvoir Rotary Club.

Life Education Centre Nottinghamshire is a specialist charity provider of high quality health, well-being and drug prevention education, working with primary schools across Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. Their aim is to equip young people with the knowledge, skills and confidence to make choices that will help them to live healthier, happier lives. For more information use this link to

They are a delivery partner of Coram Life Education, the UK’s leading health and drug education organisation. Bringing health and well-being learning to life, it has been delivering health and drug education programmes in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire for over 23 years, and to over 300 schools. The regularly updated programmes have been created by child development experts to be stimuli-rich and interactive, and through puppetry, role play, and film clips the charity captures children’s imaginations and develop critical thinking and risk management skills.

The core programmes for children
The programmes are delivered using a specifically designed mobile classroom, equipped with interactive educational resources that support children’s learning. The highly trained educators provide children with stimulating and exciting sessions encouraging children to make healthy choices by:

  • educating them about the effects and risks associated with the use of all drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, and promoting the benefits of a balanced diet and exercise
  • using trained educational practitioners and proven methods of delivery
  • supporting other school work by integrating Coram Life Education resources within existing PSHE and Citizenship programmes
  • being evidence-based – taking account of ‘what works’ in education
  • using positive teaching techniques 

The sessions link with the National Curriculum so that the work can be integrated and continued through a school’s PSHE programme of study.

Additional Programmes for children
In addition to the mobile classroom sessions they also run school-based sessions; internet safety workshops for KS2, and drug education workshops for KS3.

Coram Life Education's Relationships Education (as part of Relationships and Sex Education) promotes emotional wellbeing. It is called SCARF - Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship

Delivered as part of PSHE or Science, this programme incorporates puberty lessons and helps schools meet their SMSC development, safeguarding, and emotional wellbeing requirements.

The Relationships Education resources are included as part of the SCARF On-line subscription, but are also offered as educator-delivered interactive sessions by Life Education Centre Nottinghamshire, a delivery partner of Coram Life Education.

Further information is available on Coram Life Education's website


Engaging Parents and Carers
Whenever they visit a school they offer a session for parents, carers, and grandparents in the mobile classroom to discuss what their children are learning with Life Education

They also offer a variety of four to eight week courses for parents/carers and their children (Family SEAL Primary and Transition) and courses just for parents/carers and grandparents focusing on Parenting skills, covering issues such as behaviour management, health and well-being, and managing stress.

“Behaviour and Safety Workshops” are a set of three inset programmes focusing on issues such as increasing good behaviour, reducing conflict and tackling bullying in schools. These sessions have proved particularly popular with Lunchtime Supervisors and Teaching Assistants. The sessions take place on the school site, last about 90 minutes and can take place at a time to suit the school.

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for Children & Young People

back Chris Netherwood is the chair of this committee