Phil Nicolson - Keeping the lights on

Thu, Nov 16th 2017 at 7:15 pm - 9:15 pm


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16 November 2017  The challenges of……Keeping the Lights on – Phil Nicholson MBE

Phil has had many roles in over 40 years throughout the UK Electricity Supply Industry, but is currently working for the UK Government as an Electrical Networks Specialist in the Department for International Trade.

He described the many changes that have occurred in the Industry and explained how the UK Electrical Network is managed and operated by 3 Transmission Network Operators (National Grid, Scottish Power and Scottish and Southern Electricity) and 6 Distribution Network Operators. He outlined the length of circuitry and explained the losses involved in electricity distribution and how the industry is regulated by OFGEM.  He then moved on to talk about the importance of the balance of the supply and demand of electricity and the implications of this when trying to maintain the 50Hz frequency in the UK system. Traditionally, electricity could not be stored in sufficient quantities to make a viable contribution, but technology has now advanced to the point where this is now both technically and commercially possible.

The main factors that can influence the continuity of supply being extreme weather (Lightning strikes and ice) and trying to bring on board renewable forms of energy, which do not offer the same stability in supply, although they are driven by carbon reduction targets being set by international and government policies.

 He showed graphs which identified the contributions made by Fossil fuels(Coal and gas), nuclear(25%) and the renewables(solar and wind turbines).  He pointed out that on 22 April 2017, there was an hour (just one!) when coal did not contribute to the UKs energy mix. It is exciting times though with innovations like ‘Energy Storage’ technologies for grid support’ and other technologies including hydrogen fuel cells.  However, he did put things in perspective saying that we often take electricity supply for granted, where as in some countries it is getting the lights ON rather than keeping them on that is the real challenge.  Many countries do not have a fully interconnected grid system, but developments are taking place with Micro Grids, where say 9 huts in Africa could be surrounded by solar panels and a wind turbine to provide power for them. He also mentioned a giant solar farm in China, the utilisation of using 2nd life car battery experiments in California and the impact that electric vehicles will have on the network, quite a conundrum.

Various questions followed from an engaged audience, on wave/tidal power generation,network implications associated with electric vehicles, which Phil comprehensively handled and despite covering a great deal of ground said he could continue for another hour, at least.                                                                             AR


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