5th Wednesday TBA - Social no lunch meeting

Wed, Aug 29th 2018 at 12:00 pm -

Meal then Observatory Talk at Battlesteads Hotel.


5th Wednesday visit to

The Battlesteads Hotel

Wednesday 29th. August 2018

Meal and Moonwatch Evening – all for just £25 per person!

Moonwatch evenings are specifically aimed at showcasing the moon using

our powerful telescopes. Our expert team will explain some of the key features

of the moon to look for and give you pointers on how to use binoculars to

discover hidden lunar gems. You’ll learn how to spot:

> The highlands and seas,

> Wrinkle ridges and lunar Rilles,

> Craters and volcanoes

> Apollo lunar landing sites.

and weather permitting you’ll be able to take pictures of the moon through

our telescopes with your smartphone - to share on social media with friends

and family!



The Hotel suggests sitting down for the meal at 6.30 pm to be finished by 8.30 pm and be ready for the talk starting at 9.00pm. Talk will finish no later than 11.00 pm.

For the inclusive meal it will be a 5 course taster menu either

Non-vegetarian see website https://www.battlesteads.com/bar-and-restaurant/menus/5-course-taster-menu for details.

Vegetarian see website https://www.battlesteads.com/bar-and-restaurant/menus/5-course-vegetarian-taster for details.

An example a la carte menu can be seen at https://www.battlesteads.com/bar-and-restaurant/menus/dinner-menu .


I will assume people want the non-vegetarian meal unless you tell me otherwise by 22nd August .

There are just 24 places available in the Observatory and 22 places are booked for our club members. If you want to attend let Clive Robertson know straightaway. Club members are very welcome to join us for a meal only, but if you do please let Clive know.

Please read the following details that I have for your booking and if it is incorrect let me know URGENTLY!!

Your booking is for:

1.2 persons for the Observatory and 5 course non-vegetarian taster-menu at £25 pp.

2.2 persons for the Observatory and a la carte meal.

2.3 persons for the a la carte meal only.

The Hotel suggests that we pay them directly on the night as drinks costs will be added to bills.

Any queries please contact Clive.

David RobertsonContact David Robertson about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Events held for the enjoyment of club members.


Making our community safer

Club members having a chat.

The Rotary year ended on 1st July and with it my year as President. I have really enjoyed the year and what has been achieved, particularly with the support of the club members. As a thank you to them all I held a President’s at Home .


Tynedale Rotary have made donations to the following


Ridley Hall Interact Club 2014/2015 another successful year.


Following the bowls competition Clive can be seen proudly receiving the John Dodds Fellowship Bowls Trophy from his fellow competitors. Msg from admin...such a grand title for such a small tankard. Though this is good as it has to be kept polished.


thanks to The Customers and staff in Hexham Marks & Spencer for giving us the opportunity to bag pack and the generosity of its customers who gave to charities supported by Rotary on Saturday 25th March 2017


Not only do we help others we have fun together

Rotarian Ian Graves presents the End Polio Now bear Bongo.

Congratulations on winning the Name the Teddy Bear Competiton by your choice of “Bongo” and we are very pleased to present “Bongo” to you today. Congratulations on winning the Name the Teddy Bear Competiton by your choice of “Bongo” .
