Wednesday 30th September saw twenty four club members, their wives and guests taking lunch at Bradley Gardens at Crawcrook. A beautiful setting in the Glasshouse Restaurant, with excellent food and congenial company on a warm early autumn day, must be one of the most enjoyable ways possible to spend a couple of relaxing hours. lunch was followed, for a dozen or so of the more intrepid souls, by a visit to the Sourdust Pottery in Stocksfield, decorating and then firing raku pots to their own design. Bisque fired pots (a first unglazed firing) were provided by the potter John Scott, to be dipped or brush decorated. A short time later the finished product emerged from the kiln, still red hot at 1000 degrees C. to be immersed in sawdust to cool. The sawdust burns and allows the pot to cool without oxygen giving it a lustrous final glaze. So, a couple of hours after arriving, the newly qualified potters returned home happily clutching their precious creations.
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thanks to The Customers and staff in Hexham Marks & Spencer for giving us the opportunity to bag pack and the generosity of its customers who gave to charities supported by Rotary on Saturday 25th March 2017
moreNot only do we help others we have fun together
moreThe Rotary year ended on 1st July and with it my year as President. I have really enjoyed the year and what has been achieved, particularly with the support of the club members. As a thank you to them all I held a President’s at Home .
moreTynedale Rotary have made donations to the following
moreFollowing the bowls competition Clive can be seen proudly receiving the John Dodds Fellowship Bowls Trophy from his fellow competitors. Msg from admin...such a grand title for such a small tankard. Though this is good as it has to be kept polished.
moreCongratulations on winning the Name the Teddy Bear Competiton by your choice of “Bongo” and we are very pleased to present “Bongo” to you today. Congratulations on winning the Name the Teddy Bear Competiton by your choice of “Bongo” .