Bewdley Rotary again held it’s annual Charity Golf event at the Bewdley Pines Golf Club over the Bank Holiday weekend of 26th to 29th August. The weather was perfect over the whole weekend which helped to make this extra special fundraising event so successful.
Back in March, Bob Hill, the Chief Golf Day Organiser, started working with the Bewdley Pines on the planning of the event, contacting sponsors, and finally, along with Rob Baker, assembling and erecting signs, flags and banners ably assisted by and Michael Bullivant, Roger Jones and President Keith Perkins. Additionally, over the weekend Bob took photographs which he has since sent to our sponsors with thanks for their generosity.
Annie Hill, is our club’s Raffle “Queen”, overseeing the organisation from start to finish, i.e. approaching members and local shops for donations and, with the help of other Rotarians, purchasing items and receptacles, transforming them into beautiful hampers and decorating the prizes table. Both Bob, Annie and Ilse practically lived at the Golf Club for the 4 days of this event only going home to get some sleep and recharge their batteries. There was welcome lunchtime relief from Shirley Bonas and Sheila Cookson. “I have an App”, Terry Garbett, provided the technology to produce the winning numbers for the raffle drawn on Monday.
Sponsorships and donations should generate in excess of £6,500, in addition we received a donation of £1,000 from Bridgnorth Tractor Society. The Raffle this year made £1250 with £272 being raised by our “Putting for the Bottle” competition.
Thanks to all our hole sponsors and to all the members and friends of Bewdley Rotary who helped out on the day.