2011/2012 Club News

News Events for 2011-2012 year

Shelsley Walsh 2012

Unfortunately June 3rd was a very wet day in a very wet spring and summer. Our annual fundraiser at Shelsley Walsh suffered its first really bad day, weatherwise, that we have ever had in 14 years.

An intrepid band of Club members turned up for duty and despite the weather over £1000 was raised, largely in thanks to a bucket shake which amazingly, considering the low turnout by the general public, raised £500 which will go direct to Acorns Children's Hospice. 

Well done to everyone who braved the elements and thanks to Bill Crook for the photos

Supporting the Bewdley Youth Cafe

Everyone says 'Cheers' for Rotary

Bewdley Rotary Club has supported the Bewdley Youth Cafe by contributing such things as Bacon for the 'Breakfast Club' and are, at all times, willing to support the Cafe and the Young Peple who gather there whenever possible. The Club are hoping to restart the Bewdley Interact Club at the Youth Cafe and offer opportunities through other Rotary youth programmes.

President Derrick recently presented a cheque for £500 from the Club towards the costs running the Cafe. Rtn. Derek Killingworth, who is Chairman of the organising Committee, stated 'The donation of £500 is a great boost to us as so many organisations are only willing to contribute if we agree to carry out a specific project upon which they can 'hang their hat', forgetting it takes money just to run the Cafe on a daily basis. The Rotary Club of Bewdley appreciate this and therefore have said their donation can be used for running costs for which we are extremely grateful'. (Photo - Colin Hill)

Press Report

Launch of Severn Way Walk 2012

Severn Way Walk

The Rotary Clubs of Bewdley and Stourport on Severn have joined forces to organise and promote a second Severn Way Walk to take place from 7th September to 22nd September. Rotarians and non Rotarians alike are being invited to walk all, or part, of the route and, through sponsorship, to raise money for either their own Charities or the four main Charities and seven local Charities which the organising Clubs have chosen to support. 

To find out more, to donate and/or to register to walk then go to the website www.severnwaywalk.org.uk

Young Photographer Competition

Prize Winners

The Club sponsored its fourth Rotary Young Phographer competition at the Bewdley School and Sixth Form Centre as part of the Rotary in Britain and Ireland (Rotary GB&I) national photography competition whose theme for 201/12 is 'Olympic Dreams or Spirit'. The Rotary GB&I photography competition aims to encourage young people to express their ideas through experimentation and interpretation of a given topic. Entrants are asked to submit a portfolio of four different prints in either colour or black and white, no larger than A4 size, and explain in no more than 50 words what inspired them to take the photographs. 
At a Presentation Showcase held at the Bewdley School on 2nd February prizes for 1st and 2nd were awarded to the best portfolios judged to have been submitted in each of two age groups. Certificates were awarded to all 25 entrants in the competition.
Senior group 1st prize winner was Shannon Holloway, age 16, whose portfolio of black and white photographs the judges felt had a very strong conceptual image of the Olympic spirit. The Intermediate group 1st prize winner was Elysia Fisher age 11 whose bold use of colour the judges felt captured the vision and excitement of the Olympic Dream. These two portfolios will now go forward to the District heat of the competition. More photos
The attached photograph, from left to right, shows President Derek with Shannon and Elysia with Youth Committee Chairman, Alan Wood. Thanks to Colin Hill for the photo

November is a busy month

Bambos and his helpersIt is a busy time of year for Bewdley Rotary Club and, following on from collecting and erecting outside St Annes's Church the annual donation to the town of a Christmas tree (Report and photos)a Pig Roast was organised by the Fundraising Team at the Bewdley Christmas market on 26th November. Just over £1000 was raised towards the Club's supported charities. Head chef this year was Bambos Constantinou, shown, with his happy band of helpers, in this photo by Colin Hill. (More photos of the day by Keith Perkins).

The service to the Club given by Founder Member, Bambos, was recognised with the award of a Paul Harris Fellowship, presented by President Derrick, at a Cheese and Wine evening held on 24th November (photos by Bill Crook). Bambos has been a very active member of the Club, always one of the first to offer and never seeking acknowledgement. He is a member of the Fund Raising Committee, a past Foundation Chairman and member of both International and Community Committees. "Every Club should have a Bambos", said compere Chris Dunn when giving his thanks after the Macmillan Charity Concert in May this year. So right, and a fitting accolade to a true Rotarian.

The 1000th Meeting of the Club and PHF Recognition

Founding Fathers of the Club -- Heinz PHF

On the 8th September then 1000th meeting of the Club took place. To celebrate the event many people attended who had an important role on the Club's journey to this milestone. The photo on the left shows Arthur Attwood, District Extension Officer in 1990 when the Club was chartered, President Derrick and Bill Crook a member of our Mother Club, Kidderminster, and without whose efforts Bewdley Rotary Club may not have existed. Bill is as much a part of Bewdley Club as he is of Kidderminster Club, as not only do he and Ann support so many Club events but he must have attended well over 900 of the 1000 meetings.

One of the highlights of the evening was a presentation of a Paul Harris Fellowship to Heinz Spohrer (right hand photo), a member since 1991, and whose efforts in Community Service over the years has kept the profile of Bewdley Club well to the fore in the town. Well done Heinz!

A trip down memory lane was organised by President Elect, Chris Onions, with photos from over the years.Photos taken on the evening can be viewed here.

Talita presents Banners to District and Club

Derrick, Talita and DGNew Generations Exchange student Talita Rogoski took the opportunity of District Governor Brian Kimberley's visit to present banners from her sponsor Club Maringa in D4630 Brazil to both him and Bewdley President Derrick.

Talita has been studying English at the Brasshouse Centre in Birmingham and has been hosted in Bewdley with the family of Sophie Allan who went to Maringa for three months to gain veterinary experience.

Talita explained that she had been told that the British were cold and reserved but she had found everyone she had met so welcoming and friendly. She thanked the Club for giving her this opportunity to improve her English and to visit this beautiful country.

Derrick takes over as President

On Thursday 7th July, Bewdley Rotary Club President, Terry Garbett, became immediate Past President when he handed over office to Derrick Bumpsteed.

Summing up the year's achievements Terry said that of which he was most proud is the record of £15,017 raised for charitable causes. He congratulated Konrad and his fundraising team but added that without the enthusistic commitment of every Club member it would not have been possible.

Terry wished Derrick all the best for the coming year and hoped that he enjoyed his year as much as he had himself.

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