2010/2011 Club News

News items from 2010/2011 year

Shelsley Walsh 2011

Breakfast is served

The annual hospitality day operated by The Rotary Club of Bewdley again proved to be a great success despite the weather being mainly rainy. The damp weather certainly didn't dampen the spirits and there was a reasonable turnout later estimated to be around 175. Our thanks go again to Will Gough of Will-Hire whose invited customers were established in our compound.

A fleet of vehicles carrying the Rotary equipment and provisions arrived early on Sunday at around 8.15am and the many early birds ensured the whole operation was soon up and running. The cooking was professionally marshalled by Michel and Jo, who was in her element in these conditions, ably assisted during the day mainly by Dave, John, (I hate the sausages!!), Bob E, Chris, Terry and others.

Panic set in when two gas cylinders, known to have a small amount of gas left but 'judged' to be adequate for the small gas burners for heating the kettles, ran out almost immediately! The Course Steward kindly stepped in and took Terry and Matt, and a cylinder, down to the bottom of the course in the official car. Upon return, the Course car was in use at an incident on the track so Terry and Matt decided to carry the full cylinder up the hill, however, Terry's age and years of bodily abuse caught up with him, and the cylinder ended up on Matt's shoulder and back!!

Mike, Bob E and Elaine braved the elements and swept the course starting in the paddock with the traditional Bucket Shake - this year for Acorns Children's Hospice and over 800 was collected. It looks as though a further 2200, or thereabouts, will be added to the Club Charity account when all bills are paid.

Thanks to those who were involved in making another successful and enjoyable day. (Photos)

Macmillan Cancer Support Benefits from Concert

DG David, Kelly and TerryDistrict Governor, David Butler, attended the meeting on 5th May when President Terry presented a cheque for 7735 to Kelly Whitehouse of Macmillan Cancer Support, which is the DG's charity for his year. The cheque represented the amount raised by the 'Macmillan Centenary Proms' which took place on Saturday 5th March and attended by 350 people who enjoyed a musical extravaganza of popular songs, mainly from shows, with various other gems, culminating in a flag waving finale.

The performers were popular local artists Beth Dunn (Soprano), Russell Painter (Tenor) and Sara Weaver (Accompanist) joined by Cath Fish (Soprano) and ex G4 member Michael Christie (Baritone). A proms debut was also made by two eleven year old guests Chloe Davies and Jessica McPhee from Beth Dunn's Super Troupers who both sang delightfully. During the interval in a fun driven auction local auctioneer, Tim Elliott, masterfully extracted over 2000 from the audience.

A really good team effort from the members of The Rotary Club of Bewdley which resulted in a fantastic evening for the audience and an excellent result for such a worthwhile cause. Thanks go to Chris and Jane Dunn for their invaluable advice and assistance in making the event such a success and so thoroughly enjoyable. Photos courtesy of Colin Hill.

Another Member for Bewdley Club

Derek Killingworth received his Rotary badge from President Terry at the club meeting on 24th February.

Derek first visited Bewdley Club when he was Mayor of Bewdley and, by default, an Honorary member. "I had heard of Rotary and thought I knew what it did, but didn't realise how big an organisation it was and how much good it does around the world. I decided then, that when I finished as Mayor, I would like to become a member of Bewdley Rotary Club in my own right."

Derek, a company lawyer, is a Trustee of the Bewdley Youth Cafe founded to enable the young people of Bewdley to meet in safety, to 'chill', to enhance their educational needs and discuss their problems. A home for a renewed Bewdley Interact Club....possibly?

Bewdley School Young Photographers

VP elect, Chris Onions with Joe, Jesse and Camille

The theme of this year's Rotary GB&I Young Photographer competition was 'Community Spirit' and entrants were asked to submit a portfolio of four different prints in either colour or black and white and explain in no more than 50 words what inspired them to take the photographs.

At a Presentation Showcase held at the Bewdley School on 3rd February prizes were awarded to the best portfolio in each of two age groups and an additional club prize was awarded to the best overall photograph. There were 33 entrants in total who all received certificates.

The Senior group winner was Camille Harding, age 16, whose portfolio the judges felt had a very strong conceptual image of the spirit of community. The Intermediate group winner was Joe Turner, age 13, whose portfolio the judges felt provided an imaginative and diverse illustration of the many aspects of community. The best individual photograph was judged to have been submitted by Jesse Turner, age 14, whose striking photograph of abandoned shoes was considered to be a simple yet effective indication of community presence. The two winning portfolios will now go forward to the District heat of the competition. Photos - Press Report

Christmas Tree Gift to Bewdley

Photos of tree and pig roast

Christmas is busy time for the Bewdley Rotary Club Community Service and Fundraising teams. The Club have for many years donated a Christmas tree to the town and erected it into position outside St Annes Church where it takes pride of place through the festive season. Thanks to Colin Hill, for encouraging several members to wear seasonal hats while getting the tree in place, a photo report appeared in the Kidderminster Shuttle. 

In addition a letter from the Mayor, Cllr Paul Gittins, was published thanking Bewdley Rotary Club for their assistance.

On 27th November the Club were out in force again serving a pig roast at the Christmas Fayre. Despite the cold weather there were better crowds than ever with an estimated 5000 people in the town for the switching on of the lights.

Photos of the cutting and erection of the Christmas Tree and of the Pig Roast

Alan Wood PHF

Alan, President Terry and Foundation Chairman, Tom ElliottChairman of the Youth Opportunities Committee, Alan Wood, was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship on 11th November.

Through Alan's dogged determination the Club has been involved in Young Chef, Youth Speaks, Young Photographer, Young Writer and in three of these competitions entrants sponsored by the Club have reached Rotary GB&I finals.

In addition, as well as being a very active member of the Community Service Committee, his efforts on behalf of the Club have raised the status and respect of the Rotary Club of Bewdley with the Bewdley Town Council.

Thanks Alan, a well deserved award for true Rotary service.

GSE Team visit

After a day at the Black Country Museum being hosted by members of Hasbury and Cradley Rotary Club, and where all the group had a taste of the best...so they said...fish and chips since they had been in the District, the GSE team from D4410, Espirito Santo Brazil, were guests of Bewdley Club on Thursday 28th October.

Several members of Hasbury and Cradley and Stourbridge Rotary Clubs also attended to listen to the presentation by the team on their country, their state, their city and what they had done since arriving in D1060.

An excellent evening of Rotary fellowship and an appreciation of the international element of Rotary and the opportunities such a programme as GSE brings to the young professionals involved. More photos

Club recognises contribution to Bewdley

Jenny Paddock and President

Since 1987 when the Bewdley Festival started Artistic Director, Jenny Paddock, has become the face, and driving force behind the success, of the Festival. In fact not only the Festival but many other things in Bewdley wouldn't happen if it wasn't for Jenny.

The Club has sponsored the arts exhibition in the Bewdley library for several years and it was during the opening evening of this year's event on 7th October that the Club recognised Jenny's contribution to Bewdley by awarding her a Paul Harris Fellowship. 

The exhibition was formally opened by the Mayor of Bewdley, Cllr Paul Gittins who thanked the members of Bewdley Rotary Club for all they contribute to the community. 

Photos (Thanks to Colin Hill for the good shots and blame the webmaster for the not so good ones)

The Rotary Bench gets a much needed makeover

The 'Workers' ready to startStanding almost at the end of the tarmac pathway heading north out of Bewdley on the same side of the river as the Mug House and in front of the Rotary Forest plantation, most of which Bewdley Rotary Club planted about 15 years ago, is a bench donated by the Club which, until recently, was in need of a bit of TLC. After it was reported that the condition did nothing for the image of the Club a working party assembled on Saturday 15th August and sanded and oiled the bench, tidied up the vegetation underneath and laid fresh gravel.

The photo of the team about to start work clearly shows the poor state of the bench. By visiting the Community Service page you can see photos of the finished result as well as finding out more about local projects with which the Club are involved.

Thanks guys! - the bench, and the surrounding area, certainly looks a lot better and worthy of the Rotary badge which it bears.

Bewdley Youth Exchange Student maintains links with Rotary

Becca receives cheque from Cambridge Rutherford President. Guy TurvillPast Rotary New Generations student Becca Tyrrell, sponsored by Bewdley Rotary Club, is maintaining her connection with Rotary with her first major cheque presentation ceremony on behalf of a national charity.

Becca, who went to South Africa as a Rotary New Generations Student volunteering in a Childrens' home, now works as a Fundraising Events Coordinator for the London based charity Beating Bowel Cancer. As part of her role, she was invited to represent this Charity at a meeting of the Rotary Club of Cambridge Rutherford where she received a cheque from President Guy Turvill for 9,000 which was raised through the Club's involvement in the Three Peaks Challenge.

Becca has shared her New Generations experiences at a national Rotary Youth Exchange seminar and has helped prepare other outgoing students. Read about Becca's time in South Africa here.

Ken brings back a present for his little brother

Ken and Presidents Koji Lee and TerrySo many brothers would bring back a tee shirt with their holiday destination printed on it but not so President Terry's brother Ken.

During his recent trip to Taiwan, Ken Garbett visited the Rotary Club of Taipei and exchanged club banners with President Koji Lee. He presented the banner he received from President Lee to Terry, along with another from the Rotary Club of Taipei Tienmou, at a recent Bewdley Club meeting.

We hope, Mr President, that you didn't really want a tee shirt printed with 'My brother went to Taipei and all he brought me back was this lousy tee shirt'.

Club Handover

Dave's smile shows the relief of handing on to TerryThe Club Handover took place on Thursday 1st July where 2009-2010 President Dave Tyrell handed the President's Chain of Office onto the new Club President Terry Garbett.

During an enjoyable meal at 'Le Brasserie' in Kidderminster members and guests were entertained by, James Wilner, a very talented young magician.

Past President Dave was awarded the Club's 'Cock-up of the Year' for failing to correctly proof read the printing on the Club's 25th Charter Commemorative mugs which resulted in the name of Past President 2001-2002, Ian Shakespeare, being omitted.

PP Dave presented a cheque for 340, being the proceeds of his Swansong event (Photos), to Kidz First leader Sharon Weston, his guest for the evening.

Thanks, Dave, for all your work on behalf of the Club during the past year and best of luck, Terry, for an enjoyable and successful year.  

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