Project Group Meetings

Tue, Mar 11th 2025 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

No club meeting this week, each Project Group (Youth, International, Community and Club Services) is responsible for arranging their own meeting and sending their report to the club Secretary by Friday of this week.

Rachel WilsonContact Rachel Wilson about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Dorchester Beerex Committee members present Farah Bachelor from Amelia's Rainbow with the proceeds. Photo by Rich Gabe.

Write up by Dave Harris and a big thank you to all those involved.


Please see further details here.


Casterbridge Rotary has run many successful Small Grant Schemes to distribute funds raised to local good causes. Here is some feedback we want to share - thank you for your support and participation, please look out for details of the next launch.

Exhibition displayed in the Dorchester Library May 2023 - includes Young Artist entries, the Winning Young Writer poem and short story and images from the young Chef competition.

Casterbridge Rotary were very pleased to be able to offer Young Writer, Young Artist, Young Chef and Youth speaks in the last Rotary Year. We thank all the young people who entered, the schools, judges and parents who supported us.

The task Ahead

Casterbridge Rotary Club Helping to improve Garden

group shot

Photos of the Rotarians and our friends helping to keep Dorchester a little bit cleaner for Earth Day.
