Visit to Water Projects in Nepal

Mon, Nov 14th 2016 at 5:00 pm- Thu, Nov 24th 2016 - 5:00 pm

Trekking in Nepal

Club members please log in for more information.

We visited the villages where we have the current water projects (and the villages where we did the previous projects).

The water system in Baspani that we funded last year is completed. We walked to the source (about 2 km way in the forest) and saw the collection chamber. The storage tank above the village was full of water and the seven taps at various points in the village were giving water. The villagers gave us a great reception (and rather too much Raksi). Here are some pictures. This was a joint Casterbridge, Portland, Poundbury and Rennes project.

We also visited Payswara the village where we are doing the additional project this year (with the additional small District Grants that Portland and Poundbury obtained at the end of the Rotary year). We were able to tell the villagers that we have the money to enable them to construct a new collection chamber and storage tank, in place of the rather unsatisfactory unhygienic current arrangement (picture attached). They will start the work after the harvest season finishes next month.

We visited the villages of Yangsin, Dunge and Bharang which will be served by a new tank on a col which the Rotary clubs are going to construct next year (in the new year). We checked elevations and water runs and examined the site proposed for the tank. We were satisfied that the plans were sound and told the villages that work could begin.

We then went on a trek to Annapurna Base Camp and spent a day in Pokhara after that before returning to Kathmandu.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Dorchester Beerex Committee members present Farah Bachelor from Amelia's Rainbow with the proceeds. Photo by Rich Gabe.

Write up by Dave Harris and a big thank you to all those involved.


Please see further details here.

Exhibition displayed in the Dorchester Library May 2023 - includes Young Artist entries, the Winning Young Writer poem and short story and images from the young Chef competition.

Casterbridge Rotary were very pleased to be able to offer Young Writer, Young Artist, Young Chef and Youth speaks in the last Rotary Year. We thank all the young people who entered, the schools, judges and parents who supported us.

The task Ahead

Casterbridge Rotary Club Helping to improve Garden

group shot

Photos of the Rotarians and our friends helping to keep Dorchester a little bit cleaner for Earth Day.
