We are delighted that the newly created Environment Group, set up by the Rotary Clubs of Heswall, Mid Wirral and West Wirral, has won a much sought-after grant from the Liverpool City Environment Fund.
Our plan is to create an urban Wildflower Area on the Puddydale in Heswall.
Grants totalling £500K have been awarded across the Liverpool City Region for projects large and small that improve the environment, encourage long-term change and promote community engagement and participation in environmental projects.
Over the coming years we hope to show the benefits of a wildflower area in an urban setting, how it promotes wildlife, how it brings our native flowers into our residential areas and how a wild area can be a positive addition to our urban environment. We will have an explanatory board and hope it will be an educational resource of interest to residents and visitors. It will also be a new addition to Heswall in Bloom!
Watch this space for updates as the project gets underway in the Spring!
more Measuring up to prepare for turf removal