Club AGM

Tue, May 3rd 2016 at 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Annual Review of our Club's achievements during the Rotary Year 2015/16.

WOTUMIST 3rd May 2016

Happy Cash:

Valerie Boddington was pleased to be back in the UK and back to her “home” Club.

Ian Selley’s leg wound has finally closed up!  To celebrate, he had a hot tub experience with champagne.


Kate joined us again and is looking forward to becoming a club member.

Yes/No lists:

Sonning scarecrows.  Volunteers needed to help with car parking on Sunday and Monday 29th and 30th May.  (Tim Pascal)

Pagoda Sale in Woodley:  Volunteers needed for short duties on Sat 21st May. (Maura)

Caribbean evening:  numbers being finalised now so hurry up and get your name down. (Janette)


A)   Receive annual reports from the council and committees of the club for the current Rotary year to June 30th                                   

Robin Edwards                                         Secretary

MPRC                                                               Mike Phillips   Fundraising                                                    Maura Williams-Stock Treasurer                                                              Tim Pascall

Membership                                                      Geoff Scott-Baker

Youth                                                                Sarah Shears

Programme                                              John Ellis  

Social                                                            Janette Crouch

Community Service                                     Brian Hunt

International & Foundation                         Hugh O’Hare

B)   Matters to be determined for the Rotary Year to June 30th 2017:

  1. The proposed membership fee is £100, an increase of £5 on the current year, unless a district rebate comes forth as last year. 
  1. Electing the president elect for the year 2016/2017 (for Presidency 2017/2018)
    Geoffrey Scott-Baker:
    Proposed by Robin Edwards
    Seconded by Scott Trathen
    greed by show of hands by Club members

     c. Confirming the appointment of Project Leaders.

 Scott highlighted his proposals that committees will not be formally formed.  Instead, the team Leaders below will manage projects and events within their remit with the assistance of club members.  The idea is that ALL club members will be available for any events and not restrained by being on a specific committee.  Council will be smaller than in the past to cut down meeting times. Events will in future be launched at Club meetings and then organized by the team Leader and resourced from volunteer club members.  It is expected that all club members will offer some time to more than one event during the year and as many sessions as possible to our fundraising at Christmas.

Membership                           – Tim Thorpe
Youth                                     - Pat Holloway
International & Foundation       – John Turney
Compliance                            – David Shepherd
Social                                            – Paul Cunningham
Community Service                 – Brian Hunt
Communications & PR            – Mike Phillips
Christmas Activities                -  Maura Stock & Hugh O’Hare
Speaker Secretary                  – Tim Pascall
Club Calendar/Events              – Chris Foley
District Database                    – Eric Bowes
Welfare & Quartermaster         – Steve Luckhurst
Shop                                      – Rob Finch
Assistant Secretary                 – Eric Bowes

d.    The following were elected as ordinary members of council:

Tim Thorpe
Pat Holloway
John Turney
Brian Hunt


  1. The following were elected as honorary club members

                                               i.     Ian Adams

                                             ii.     Albert Hubbard

                                           iii.     Alan Knox


      f. John Ellis was proposed to examine and approve the club’s annual accounts

(This may not fully meet the needs of new compliance recommendations from Rotary GB&I so this post may need to be reallocated in due course).

  1. The two club representatives for district council are Scott Trathen and Robin Edwards

 Other business:  Music is needed by Alistair for the evening entertainment on 7th June. 

The meeting was closed at 10.15pm

'What We Do' Main Pages:

We are a thriving, sociable and energetic club of men and women from many different backgrounds. Our activities are aimed at serving communities at home and abroad.

During the first six weeks of January 2025, we delivered 2000 frozen nutritious meals to local Food Share Charities based around our area. The meals were funded by an Art and Craft Fair that we ran in October 2024.

We are a thriving, sociable and energetic club of men and women from many different backgrounds. Our activities are aimed at serving communities at home and abroad. We love giving back something to our communities.
