Partner's evening

Tue, Jan 29th 2019 at 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Since this is the 5th Tuesday of the month this is an opportunity for members and partners to get together for a social evening.

Club members please log in for more information.

Our next Partners Night is to be held at the Old Inn at Holt @ 7pm for 7.30pm and the dress code is smart casual.

The selected menu options are as follows;


  1. Soup of the Day
  2. Duck Liver Pate'
  3. Filo Wrapped Prawns


  1. Chicken in Creamy Mushroom Sauce with Saute' Potatoes
  2. Grilled Salmon with Saute' Potatoes
  3. Steak & Kidney Pie with Chips or Saute' Potatoes


  1. Sticky Toffee Pudding
  2. Lemon Tart
  3. Hazelnut Brownie

The Costs are;

  1. Two Course £18
  2. Three Courses £23

Please make payment directly into the clubs bank account (details in members signed in section of this message) or make a Cheque payable to The Rotary Club Account and give to Ian no later than 22nd Jan.

Should any of you require any special requirements then i suggest you phone the Old Inn direct and agree a menu that suits you and let me know so that i can add to my return menu. their Number is 01202 883029. 

I must have all numbers and Menu's back to me no later than Tuesday 22nd Jan 19.


'What We Do' Main Pages:

Supporting people over the age of 16 with learning disabilities in Verwood


Details of news and activities by the club.


Verwood Rotary Rustic Fayre 2024


What we do Internationally


The Rotary Foundation is our own Charity.


Discover what Verwood Rotary does in our local community.


Some of the details of how the club support youngsters in the airea


Some Information and this Club and Rotary as an International organisation.
