Latest News from Verwood Rotary Club

Details of news and activities by the club.

July 2023 Update

June 2023 Update

May 2023 Update









April Update

March Update

January Update

December Update



October Update


A successful Rustic Fayre 2021

Firstly, we had to wait and see if we could go ahead - then it was ‘all action stations’ to ensure the 27th Rustic Fayre was the best we could make it in a short turnaround time. All the club’s members worked hard to get everything ready in time with lots going on behind the scenes in the weeks leading up to it.  On the day we just had to hope it would all come together and, most importantly, the local community would come along to support us.  We were therefore thrilled by the large numbers who came to Potterne Park to enjoy the day and support the fayre. Many of the popular attractions were there including: the arena events, a range of stalls, a Spitfire fly past, the duck race, children’s entertainment, music acts, the Classic cars, the beer tent and food stalls to name just a few. Hopefully something for all the family.  As a result, we are delighted to confirm that we have raised a significant amount of money that several charities and local organisations will benefit from over the coming months. Look out for more details to follow. In addition, the support given to charities in attendance on the day means they have also raised funds.  So it is a huge thank you from us for your support. Louisa Hiscock (President of Verwood Rotary Club)

30th August (Bank Holiday Monday)


A message from the president of Verwood Rotary Club

After a few anxious weeks of 'can we/ can't we' I am delighted to announce that the Rustic Fayre is going ahead ! This is my first year as club president and having come through such a difficult time, with so many events cancelled, the Rotary club of Verwood is pleased to be organising this event again. It's just what Verwood needs ! An event that brings our local community together to enjoy all the things that make it such a special family day out. And it's right here -  on your Doorstep!!

As a club we thrive on being able to make a difference to our community and, like many other groups, it has not been possible to do this in a way we would want to for some time. As always, all the money raised by the club goes back to local charities, organisations and good causes. Come and talk to us on the day if you would like to be part of this going forward.

We hope the community of Verwood will come out in force and support the Rustic Fayre. Planning is now well underway. Of course we are very aware of the need to still be cautious but we say : Let's go for it !  A big day out ! - and hopefully a sunny one too :-)

Louisa Hiscock, president


1st February 2021  - Swing Band Dance evening  

The Rotary club organise the annual swing band dance to take place during March of each year. March 2022 is definitely on ! ! !  Watch out for updates.

14th January 2021 - Don McMath Foundation School Newletter.

The Don McMath Foundation is a local charity which has built and is running a school in The Gambia. The school provides an education for children from the poorest of families who cannot afford to pay for their child. 

The Rotary Club has for many years continue to sponsor 9 children for their entire time at the school.

They have recently shared their latest newletter that can be found by clicking on the image below

11th November 2020  Remembrance Sunday

Due to the restrictions imposed to control the spread of Covid-19 representatives of the club were not able to join the usual church service and parade on Remembrance Sunday.

However, our president, Roger, was able to pay our respects by laying a wreath on behalf of the club later in the day.

" At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them

15th September 2020 - Talk by Cataracts are Curable

At the club Zoom meeting onTuesday members were given a talk with one of the co-founders of "Cataracts are Curable". Violette explained that the purpose of the charity is to raise funds to support cataract camps in the Gambia.  Rather than have the patients come to the hospital in the capital the National Eye Health Programme arranges for camps to take place around the country as and when funds are available.  Each camp costs £2,000 and can treat 50 people over a 3 day period.

If you wish to learn more about this charity or would like to donate why not visite their website.

31st August 2020 - Rotary members picnic

Monday 31st August would have normally been the Rustic Fayre day, but due to Covid-19 this year's event had to be cancelled.  However instead a number of Rotarians and family decided to hold a socially distanced picnic at Potterne Park instead. This was the the first time many had been able to communicate face to face since the lockdown.
Judging by the pictures I think all attending had a good time.

you can check out the pictures by visiting the Verwood Rotary Facebook page via the following link

25th July 2020 - Rotary members support the town community litter pick

Verwood Town Council have re-started the monthly Commununity litter pick.

This month (25th July 2020) the regular litter pickers were augmented by a group of Verwood Rotary Club members who helped to collect litter from Potterne Park. We were able to also clear litter from the Recreation ground and some of Bugdens Copse.

The litter pick takes place the 4th Saturday of each month starting at 10.00 a.m.

Check out the following link to see further pictures from the event

8th July 2020 - All Change at Verwood Rotary

Further to the formal handover of responsibilities at the last Club meeting the outgoing president; David, was able to get together (with appropriate social distancing) with incoming officers Roger and Louisa to formally hand over the President and President elect regalia.

This handover took place earlier this week


8th July 2020 - All Change at Verwood Rotary

Despite the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions members of Verwood Rotary have continued to keepin touch via Zoom Conference meetings.  The rotary year runs from July to the following June so at this Tuesday's meeting the outgoing president; David Allen, handed over responsiblity to the incoming President; Roger Sweet.  Roger will be supported by this year's president elect; Louisa Hiscock.

We would like to thank David for his contribution over the last 12 months and wish Roger and Louisa all the best for the coming months, particularly in these difficult times.

If you want to know more about Roger and his plans for the coming year please click on this link

21st March 2020  - CoronaVirus Update  

Due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak and following Government guidance ALL face to face meetings have been cancelled until further notice.

We have also had to cancel to "Kids Out" event planned for June 2020.

We currently are continuing to plan for the rustic Fayre at the end of August but clearly decisions on whether this goes forward or not will be decided nearer the time

However, in these trying times,  your Rotary club is still open for business.  So if you need to contact us for any reason please check out the various sections of the website or contact the President or Secretary via the following email addresses

15th December 2019  - Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2019 - Update  

Further to our earlier message of the 9th November (see below) we are pleased to report that this year's final Shoebox numbers totalled 26,092 across the Wessex district.  These have now all been distributed as follows

Romania 6,119  Moldova 6,107  Montenegro 6,187  Albania 6,120 also Philippines 1,559 Shoeboxes.

We hope to share more news early in the new year when we receive feed back from receiving Rotary Clubs and 2 UK members that are visiting helping with handing out of Shoeboxes.

21 Novemeber 2019  - Rustic Fayre 2019 - Handout.  

On the evening of Thursday 21st November this year's club president, David  and "Mr Rustic", Vern, were able to distribute over £7,000 in donations to local charities and other good causes.  Why not pop over to the event web page by clicking on the following link to see some pictures and further details of the recipients.

Link to Rustic Handout 2019

09th November 2019  - Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2019

On Saturday 9th November Rotary Club members, family and friends help to pack up 327 Christmas shoeboxes donated by various schools and other organisations around the village.
A big thank you to the following for their contribution.
Schools - Cranborne, Trinity, Hillside, Verwood 1st and Emmanuel. We also had boxes from the United Reform church, Twinning and various individuals within the community. Our grand total delivered to the District Warehouse was 327. That's a lot of smiles on kids faces at Christmas.

The Shoeboxes are delivered to Montenegro, Albania and Tanzania where they are distributed by local Rotarians to disadvantaged children in time for Christmas.

Further details can be found in our international section or by following this link 

14th October 2019  - Rustic Fayre 2019 - Video.  

For those who were unable to attend this year's Rustic Fayre why not catch up with some of the goings on by viewing the following video.  Courtesy of Ben Kingston) 

05th June 2019  - Update from Solar4Sachs project. 

On 15th June 2019 the club received a letter on behalf of the trustees and people of Sachibondu for the club's generous financial support for the project to supply solar power to the local hospital.  Please see details below

" Dear friends and Rotarians

Thank you very much to everyone at Verwood Rotary Club and District for the further donation of £4,000.00, making a total of £8,000.00 raised by Verwood Rotary Club and Rotary International.  Your generous support has made it possible for us to purchase the materials we need for the first phase of the solar installation at Sachibondu hospital. The solar panels and frames have been delivered to site. The solar compound has been fenced off and a metal shipping container is now in place, ready t o be used as our plant room. Concrete padstones have been cast to mount the frames for the panels and the frames are now being assembled.

We’re still awaiting delivery of the large battery assembly which will store power for overnight use.
This item alone w eighs 600 Kg and costs about £24,000.00! It’s being made for us in South Africa
and we’re hoping it can be cleared through Zambian customs before 30 June. A new 25% purchase
tax is being introduced on 1 st July which could increase the cost considerably!
Some materials are still to be shipped out from the UK and others will be brought up by the commissioning engineers when they come to make final connections. 

We are still hoping to complete this part of the project within the next few months and provide a reliable power supply to this new hospital for the first time.

Thank you all once again
Yours Sincerely
Richard Reed
Trustee Solar for Sach "

Click on this link if you wish to visit the Solar4Sachs page to learn more about this project

05th June 2019  - 3 new members join the club. 

On Tuesday 4th June 3 new members were welcomed into Verwood Rotary club.  Since their induction took place during the club annual assembly (where next year's president and his team share their plans for the forthcoming 12 months) we were fortunate to have our Assistant District Governor, Bill Casey, present to welcome them along with this year's club president Gary Hayter.  

We welcome Toni, Spencer and Andy into Rotary and hope they enjoy their involvement for may years to come

The photo shows our 3 new members with ADG Bill.

16th April 2019  - Presentation from the RNLI

At our regular meeting on Tuesday 16th April the club members and guests were given a presentation by  Dave Corben about the RNLI. Dave, who has been associated with the RNLI in Swanage for 49 years shared a brief history of the RNLI before sharing some of his personal experiences both on and off the Swanage lifeboat.  Clearly being a lifeboat man runs in the blood as his grandfather, father and son have all served on Swanage lifeboat.  In his 35 years as a lifeboat man he has saved 458 lives at sea.  

The RNLI has 235 stations around the UK and Ireland and is run entirely as a voluntary organisation.

If you wish to learn more about this great organisation then why not visit their website via the link below

Royal National Lifeboat Institution link

The picture shows Dave with our President Elect Dave Allen

11th April 2019  - Skittles against Westbourne Rotary Club

on the evening of Thursday 11th April 2019 a depleted Verwood team took on Westbourne rotary club at Westbourne Conservative club.   I would like to report that this was a close fought game, but unfortunately I cannot and Westbourne finished well on top with a score of 346 v 284 after 5 rounds.

Well done to the Armstrongs who were the top 3 scorers for the club on the night.  Ken who got the best total score for Verwood (40) despite ironically also recording the lowest score for a round (1), Pat then scored a total of 38 and Mike (37) along with a couple of other players..
A pleasant evening was had by all.

16th January  2019  - Friends of the New Forest

At the first club meeting of this year members were entertained with a presentation from Sheila Ward of "Friends of the New Forest".

Sheila gave as an informative talk explaining the history of the New Forest, the various landscapes, flaura and fauna of the forest,  the role of "Friends" and the challenges facing the New Forest today and in the future including the need to balance the requirements of the various users and inhabitants of the new forest.

Further details of this organisation can be found by clicking on the image below

8th December 2018 - Verwood Town Christmas Extravaganza

Every year the town council put on a Christmas Extravaganza evening to announce the start of the Christmas festivities in the town.

This year's festivities took place on Ferrett Green on Saturday 8th December.  Strong wind and rain were prevalent through out the afternoon which led to some challenge work for those people erecting tents, particularly Santa's grotto that threatened to blow away before we had a chance for Santa to arrive.

Just after 5:00 Santa arrived to switch on the lights with Verwood Town mayor, Sandra Grove.  Those people who weathered the storm were treated to carols from Verwood Town Training band and Choir, mulled wine, mince tarts and marshmallows were supplied by the heritage centre, burgers and hotdogs by the Scouts and the Heritage centre was open for hot coffee.  There was even a merry go round for the children.

29th November 2018 - Rustic Fayre Donation Evening  

On Tuesday 27th  November the Rotary Club of Verwood were pleased to donate over £10,000 to charities and other local good causes.  These funds were raised at the August Bank holiday Rustic Fayre, so a big thank you, to the good people of Verwood who once again came out in numbers to support this year’s event.

Why not pop over to our dedicated web page for further details of  the recipients.

17th November 2018 -
Christmas Shoebox appeal 

On Saturday 17th November Club members and their partners spent the morning sorting Christmas Shoeboxes that had been donated by various schools and other organisations in Verwood.These will be sent to children in Albania, Montenegro, Moldova and Romania for Christmas as part of the Rotary Region project.  Big thanks to the following for their contributions

Trinity First School
Hillside First School
Verwood First School
Cranborne Middle School
Emmanuel Middle School
United Reform Church

In total these organisations donated a total of 334 shoeboxes.

11th November 2018 - Remembrance Sunday
On Sunday 11th November President Gary presented a wreath on behalf of Verwood rotary at the Remembrance Service held at Ferrett's Green.  This was supported by a large turnout of people from Verwood.  In preparation for this event members help to install over 2,500 poppies to the railings of the Memorial hall.  This project was managed by rotarian Clive Grove and you can see further information about this project on the attached webpage.

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Latest News from Verwood Rotary Club sub-pages:

Andy Maw

Message from our President

more Message from our incoming President Andy Maw (1 page below this)