Data Protection Policy

Data Protection Policy

Data Protection Policy for The Rotary Club of Ipswich Wolsey

 (c) Rotary Club of Ipswich Wolsey 2018

1. Rotary GB&I has established that is does not need to notify [register] as a Data

Controller with the Information Commissioner in the UK under the provisions

of the Data Protection Act 1998 as it is exempt because it is a not-for-profit



2. The Rotary Club of Ipswich Wolsey has adopted the same approach as it

is a not-for-profit organisation and can therefore claim the relevant exemption. 


3. Under the terms of this exemption, The Rotary Club of Ipswich Wolsey agrees that: 

    i. It holds personal information only for the purposes of increasing or

    maintaining membership or support for the club

    ii. Any personal information held will only be for those who are either

    members of the club or who have regular contact with the club

    iii. The only persons whose personal data is held will be those for whom the

    personal information is necessary in order to meet point (i) e.g. past,

    existing or prospective members or those who have regular contact with

    the club

    iv. The only data held will be that necessary to meet point (i) above e.g.

    names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, eligibility for


    v. The club will not disclose any personal information, other than that made

    with the consent of the individual(s) concerned, to any third party other

    than providing members' details to other Rotary organisations e.g. Rotary GB&I,

    District 1180

    vi. The Rotary Club Of Ipswich Wolsey will not keep personal information once the relationship between the club and the individual(s) concerned ends.


4. The Rotary Club of Ipswich Wolsey agrees to hold and process personal data in accordance with the eight basic Data Protection Principles, namely that data must be: 

  • Fairly and lawfully processed;

  • Processed for limited purposes;

  • Adequate, relevant and not excessive;

  • Accurate;

  • Not kept for longer than is necessary;

  • Processed in line with your rights;

  • Secure.

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Quiz Night Winners


GDPR Privacy Notice


Quiz Night Winners


The Club supports many youth activities including "Crucial Crew", a vital educational programme about safety for year 6 schoolchildren in Ipswich, RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award), Rotary Young Chef competition and supplies Dictionaries 4 Life.


Cheque Presentation

Ipswich Cycle Swarm finish In Christchurch Park

Over £9,000 raised in the year to 30 June 2019.


Through this committee we aim to make a difference to those individuals who are less fortunate than ourselves in other countries.


This Committee is concerned with 'Making a Difference' in our community through a variety of improvement projects, e.g. outings for the older person, stroke awareness days or sailing for disabled children.

Walking Weekend 2017

On these page you will find details of the fellowship events that we carry out as a club as these are a great way to forge new friendships.
