Business/Speaker Meeting (with optional dinner) @ Southcrest

Tue, Feb 4th 2020 at 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Discussing Our Progress and Hearing About New Opportunities

Monthly meet-ups at the Southcrest Hotel ensure we stay up to date on our group progress and have chance to hear from local charity/community speakers that inform us of local ad international needs.

We welcome visitors to join us and learn about how they could get involved and maybe even join us!

The video below shows how Rotary groups like ours are flexible and action orientated...

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Fundraising and Social BBQ

As a way of keeping up to date with our club activities visit this section of the website regularly...


Bringing community and business together Strengthen Redditch #BuildBackBetter

Heads Down and Game On!

Putting the 'Fun' in Fundraising


volunteering gives a great sense of achievement and you can get involved...

Quiz Night

Fun night out flexing those brain cells as you help local Redditch causes...

Rotary's Areas of Focus

Rotary's not-for-profit organisation works to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace.

Meet the Team

The photographs that you can see represent just some of the many projects and activities we are involved in...

Local and Overseas

Our aim is to support communities in need whether they are based locally here in Redditch or as far away as Africa...


These amazing animals need our help before it’s too late. This project aims to protect a very endangered species in their natural habitat.

RK Zoom!

Club Meetings via Zoom to allow everyone to join the action!
