Since the introduction of the Social Value Act, it is a requirement for those who wish to be considered in the procurement process for local government, to show social, economic and environmental benefit.
With this event our aim is to explore the wider potential for social enterprise here in Redditch, emphasising how any organisation can benefit from adopting the ethos of social value supply for both products and services.
To offer a little insight into what Rotary is doing in this area you can access more information here.
Tickets are FREE and can be booked online via EventBrite - feel free to share!
'What We Do' Main Pages:
As a way of keeping up to date with our club activities visit this section of the website regularly...
moreThe photographs that you can see represent just some of the many projects and activities we are involved in...
moreOur aim is to support communities in need whether they are based locally here in Redditch or as far away as Africa...
moreThese amazing animals need our help before it’s too late. This project aims to protect a very endangered species in their natural habitat.