Guinness World Record Attempt!

Sun, Oct 13th 2019 at 10:00 am - 1:30 pm

Be part of something amazing and help set a new Guinness World Record… As part of Rotary's Polio Eradication programme we are raising awareness and funds through this community event at Arrow Valley Park - get involved and help make history!

Photo by Bill Davenport courtesy of

Club members please log in for more information.


Sunday 13th October, Arrow Valley Park!

A record crocus planting attempt is going to be made in Redditch and we are urging local residents to pick up a dibber and take part with us.

As well as getting into the Guinness Book of Records, our aim is to highlight the ongoing battle spearheaded by Rotary to eradicate the crippling disease of Polio worldwide. 

We are hosting a family orientated community event for everyone to enjoy. With a meat and veggie barbecue lined up to keep everyone fuelled up and happy, we want you to dig in and help plant 12,000 crocus corms in one hour!

The crocus planting is not a random activity but part of a nationwide awareness and fundraising project across the UK and Ireland. Each year, Rotary uses the purple crocus as a reminder of the ink placed on a child’s finger during the national immunisation days that take place as part of the campaign to eradicate the polio virus from our world. Here in Redditch, these community planted flowers will bloom in the springtime year after year to remind us all of over 30 years effort to eradicate polio.

There are people in Redditch who remember the time when Polio was feared and some are currently living with post-polio syndrome.  Having survived the childhood effects, which range from total paralysis to mild neurological dysfunction, the ongoing effects often lead to breathing difficulties in later years. 

We want to ensure no one has to experience this in future so knowing the effects and taking action to eradicate this disease is a key driver for all Rotary members here in Redditch and around the world.

The aim on the day is to plant 12,000 crocus bulbs in one hour and we need a team of one hundred people to help plant and many, many more to assist in the verification required by Guinness.

Put the date in your diary and come along to support the team or if you'd like to take an active part then contact Amanda at

Amanda WatkinContact Amanda Watkin about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

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