Interested in Joining us ?

Joining the world's largest service organisation.

Lets have fun whenever we can.

Have you given any thought to becoming a Rotarian and joining 1.2 million Rotarians worldwide? Rotary is a worldwide organisation working to support local, national and international causes. Every penny we raise goes to good use.

The Rotary Club of Blythe Bridge and Districtmeets every Monday at the Upper House Hotel at Barlaston, Stoke-on-Trent. You are assured of a warm welcome with good conversation; good humour and interesting speakers, so why not come along one Monday evening and enjoy perhaps something different.

Last Year we commissioned a new electric Santa sleigh for our annual Christmas collections, always popular with the local community. We have supported the Ironman challenge by providing Marshalls for the course, supported flood hit areas and also a range of local and international charities.

Rotary is not an elite organisation. We are ordinary people, with ordinary jobs and lives, working together to achieve extraordinary things.

We look forward to seeing you at our club. Take a look at our website and meet the team. Or contact: Bruce using the details below.

Rotary may be just what you didn’t expect.....

It could be considerably more!

See the related page 'Reasons to Join Rotary'.

Interested in Joining us ? sub-pages:

12 Reason for Joining Rotary

Reasons for joining Rotary

more 12 Reason for joining Rotary