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Members of Rotary Cambridge Sawston enjoyed a fabulous 3 Course Valentines Dinner on February 16th 2016 at the Red Lion Whittlesford. Our Speaker this evening is Jessica Salomon, a Rotary Scholar, who is studying at the University of Cambridge. See her brief resume below:
'Hello, I have embarked on an MPhil in Criminology at the University of Cambridge. I recently graduated from University of California, Berkeley where I studied Rhetoric and Political Economy.
My impetus to study under the Institute of Criminology arouse from my work as an unpaid intern with the Correctional Law Section of the California Attorney General. During my undergraduate career, I volunteered my time to assist the state in defending itself against civil suits brought on by inmates. In exchange, I have received a more comprehensive picture of the American prison system and have had the opportunity to identify many of the systemic flaws that weigh down on society and our overall justice system.
Through my time at the Attorney General I have been exposed to a number of thought-provoking cases that have fostered some of my particular interests. I am specifically interested in inmates right of self expression (writing and art), issues surrounding transgender incarceration (the subject of my Undergraduate Rhetoric Honors thesis) and mental illness.
My overarching goal is to work to reform the systemic flaws and inequities inherent in the American penology system'.
Dear members,
Our Valentines Dinner this year will be held in The Garden Room of the Red Lion Whittlesford, our new home .
They will provide a 3 course meal for a reduced price of £23, and we have a choice from 3 items for each course.
Because we will be a a much larger room, we are not restricted in numbers. If you wish to attend, I will need your confirmation and choices by February 7th, as they require a weeks notice.
This year we do have a speaker who is talking about Criminology which sounds extremely interesting .
Please let me have your requests from the attached list below ASAP