Prostate Charity Cycle Ride 2024

Sept 8th 24

Charity Ride 24

It is a sad fact thatone in eight men in this country will be diagnosed with Prostate Cancer.  Whilst treatable with good survival rates, it is obvious that the more that is known about the disease the better the outcome will be. Members of the Rotary Club of North Fylde to set about raising monies for the ongoing research into this unfortunately quite common cancer.

Accordingly, with this aim in mind, on 8th September a goup of North Fylde Rotary Club members and friends set off on a Charity Cycle Ride to raise monies for Prostate Cancer Research.  The cycling team were supported by Club members and friends and in total 13 riders took part.  

Whilst the morning was overcast and cloudy, the team were in high spirits as the forecast rain had not arrived.  Starting at Hambleton the ride weaved it's way through the lanes to the "Barn" at Scorton, where bacon butties and cups of tea were the order of the day.  

Rested and refreshed the team mounted their bikes again only to find the forecast rain had merely been delayed and had arrived for the return trip. It was a wet and weary group who returned to Hambleton.   

These efforts had not been in vaib. To date the charity ride has raised £915, with more pledges to come in.  Many thanks for all those taking part and for the very generous donations.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Anna on Zip Wire

Anna Visits Calvert Trust


Some of the works undertaken by North Fylde Rotary Club during the Covid 19 Pandemic

Picnic Table at Stannah Park

Picnic Table in recognition of the excellent services of the NHS


The Rotary Club of North Fylde record the recent deaths of members of the club

Cheque presentation

David Wilde and President Ken Minto present a cheque to International Aid Trust.


Picture of Memorial plaque


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Cycle ride from Cleveleys to Lowther Gardens Lytham


The mission

Brian Ward

Club Service Chairman - Brian Ward

JR Golf Win

Sports header page


International Chairman - Andrew Aukland


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to Hospice

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Rotary assisting Lancashire Schools by providing towing facilities to move the Life Education caravan from School to school
