Awards for Courage 2019

Young people from across the area were honoured at the 2019 Newark & Newark Castle Rotary Club annual Courage Awards

Young people honoured.
top L - R: Tyler Hurt, Mohammed Aluan, Wahidullah Maroufkan, Matthew Richardson, 
middle: Skyla Harris, Gharam Aluan
bottom: Stephan Smith, Rtn. Cheryle Berry 1220 District Governor  

Background to Awards
Newark Rotary Clubs has asked schools and colleges to give consideration to those students who have shown exemplified courage in the face of personal adversity and difficulty. 

The Aim of the awards is to recognise local children from 3 years to 19 years of age showing any of the following: 

Courageous act, Selfless Acts of kindness, Children facing traumatic experiences, or even having to face extreme health problems and difficulties, Children who have to overcome their own fears or issues and turn themselves around.

Any child that has shown determination and overcome great odds,

Children who stand out from the crowd & have shown they deserve an award for something they did that made a difference to themselves or others around them.

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Recipients and guests pictured after the awards ceremony

Awards for Courage 2023

more The Awards for Courage 2023 was again held in the Cedric Ford Pavilion at Newark Show Ground. This annual event again proving to be a great success and enjoyed by all.

L-R Henry Chater, Jayden Davenport, Isaac Bristow, Micah Wilding, James Fletcher and past DG David Ashley

Awards for Courage 2022

more The Awards for Courage 2022 event was held Monday 21st March 2022 in the Cedric Ford Pavilion at Newark Show Ground and what a wonderful time was had by all, as you will see from the pictures below.

DG David Hood with Olly Royal & Luke Dixon

Awards for Courage 2020

more Young people from across the area were honoured at the 2020 Newark & Newark Castle Rotary Club annual Courage Awards

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Awards for Courage 2024

back The Awards for Courage 2024 was again held in the Cedric Ford Pavilion at Newark Show Ground. This annual event again proved to be a great success and was enjoyed by all who attended.