News from the Repair Café

Sat, May 25th 2024 at 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Hungerford Repair Café 25th May 2024

Hungerford Repair Café opened its doors again last Saturday at the Croft Hall to welcome visitors from around the region with their repair jobs. It was another very successful morning as we had a constant flow of visitors. Visitors brought many everyday items such as vacuum cleaners and toasters, but also some more unusual repairs such as a vintage sewing machine and a wind-up music box. Of 53 items brought in, we helped to fix 37, and offered advice on how to deal with a further 8. The remainder were deemed past their useful life, but it is good to know that before throwing something away. In all we kept well over 100 Kg of items out of landfill or recycling centres.


One lady brought in a radio that had stopped working. She also brought along her two children who can be seen in the attached photo listening intently to our volunteer Andrew as he explained what he was doing.  Hopefully they will grow up understanding that we don’t need to throw something away when it stops working, and will be more confident about trying to fix things themselves. The lady was delighted with the repair, and said “Whoop - I've got my radio back! It's perfect, a real wow moment. There was even tea and coffee.”


Hungerford Repair Café runs every 2 months, usually on the third Saturday of the month. We will open our doors again on July 20th in the Croft Hall in Hungerford.

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