Disease Prevention and Treatment

A key area of Rotary's focus aimed at developing projects which help prevent disease and treat existing diseases across the World

Fighting Disease

We believe good health care is everyone's right. 

Yet 400 million people in the World do not have access to basic health

Disease results in misery, pain and poverty for millions of people Worldwide. That is why treating and preventing disease is one of our key objectives. Rotarians have developed programs both large and small and have set up temporary and mobile clinics, blood donor centres and training facilities in areas of the World which are underserved and communities are struggling with disease outbreaks and health care access. We design and build infrastructure allowing doctors, patients and governments to work together.

Our members combat diseases like malaria, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimers's, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes and Polio. Prevetion is vital so Rotarians focus on health education. We also develop hearing, vision and denatl care programs for those who need them

Ending Polio is Rotary's prime health objective. Click here to learn more about how Rotary has worked tirelessly to eradicate this terrible disease from our planet.

Click here to learn about becoming a Rotarian and Doing Good in The World

'What We Do' Main Pages:

We take part in events and projects with Rotary Clubs locally in North Staffordshire, throughout Great Britain & Ireland and Worldwide.


Along with Rotarians worldwide and Bill Gates we are working towards the eradication of Polio. We also support The Kabanda Trust, who support the Rock of Joy Children’s Centre and Nansana Royal Primary School in Uganda.


We work with local schools, assisting with pupils with 1 to 1 reading, we distribute dictionaries to primary school leavers. We involve pupils in projects such as bulb planting in public open spaces. We also support many local charities,
