The Meppen Club, our twin

Linking with our Rotary friends in Germany


In May every year we enjoy an exchange with the Rotary Club of Meppen who are based in North West Germany near the Dutch border. Once every two years we visit and stay with their Club members and the following year they come and stay with us for a long weekend.

The exchange started twenty nine years ago and has proved to be one of the highlights of the year. When we travel to Germany we stay with Rotarians and their families and they take us to many of the interesting places in Lower Saxony. The main event of the weekend is a grand evening meal where the two speeches are limited to only three minutes each!

Over the years many of us have built long standing relationships with our hosts and their families.

In early May 2018, eleven of us Nonsuch Rotarians enjoyed a super weekend in Meppen. The Club made us so welcomed and we stayed in the houses of the Meppen members. The highlight of the trip was a visit to the fortified town of Boutanger, just inside the Dutch border. At dinner that night, our president gave his speech in German, much to the amusement of the Meppen members.

Next year we look forward to entertaining our German friends in and around London. We promise them a wonderful time! 

Malcolm MarriottContact Malcolm Marriott about this page:

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Santa in 2019.

Last year we could not carry out our usual street collections. Please donate online instead.


A great evening of Rotary


Helping the Community


A fine walk in Nonsuch Park


Barry receives a special Rotary Award


The Classic Car Show of the summer


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Support for Rotary charities


A splendid evening


Please donate to help those poor people in Ukraine


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The UK's leading cancer charity for children, young people and their families.


Would you like someone to come and provide your organisation with a talk?


Peter becomes the next President of Nonsuch Rotary


The start of a new Rotary year.


Come and join us on one of our projects!

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Linking with our Rotary friends in Germany
