Message from the President

Come and join us on one of our projects!

Greetings from our new President

Hello, I am delighted to be President of our wonderful club.

We have been serving the local community for the past thirty nine years and have raised over a third of a million pounds for local and international charities.

Current projects are focused on young people as they are our future.

Each year we organise a Youth Speaking competition, run mock interviews for sixth form students, help to run a "Top of the Form" competition and sponsor students to attend a professionally run youth leadership course.

We also support a local Foodbank, help the Sutton Volunteer Centre by befriending lonely people and take a group of young carers to a Pantomime. Each Christmas we bring Santa to a supermarket as part of our annual collection for local charities.

Internationally we purchase Shelterboxes which contain equipment essential for survival following a natural disaster. We also fund wells for villages in Africa and have provided help for the people of Ukraine by donating winter clothing.

And, we do all this while extending our skills, meeting interesting people and having fun.

I invite you to join us, help with our projects, meet new and interesting people, learn new skills and have fun.

If you would like to come along as our guest to one of our weekly meetings please contact me, John Chamberlain, at

You will receive a warm welcolme!

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Please donate to help those poor people in Ukraine


The UK's leading cancer charity for children, young people and their families.


Would you like someone to come and provide your organisation with a talk?


Peter becomes the next President of Nonsuch Rotary


A charity walk in Nonsuch Park.


The start of a new Rotary year.


A great evening of Rotary


Helping the Community

Santa in 2019.

Last year we could not carry out our usual street collections. Please donate online instead.


Barry receives a special Rotary Award


The Classic Car Show of the summer


A fine walk in Nonsuch Park


We donate goods to a local Food Bank


Welcome to Peter Stammers


Held at The Beacon School, Banstead in January 2025


Chris begins the new Rotary year as president.


Support for Rotary charities


A splendid evening


Come and join us on one of our projects!

Ignore the guys! We sent these charming lasses, all from Carshalton High School for Girls.

We do lots on Youth Leadership through sending students to the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) training scheme


Gordon Thomas receives his award


It all started with Henry VIII when he decided to build a palace in Nonsuch Park. And what a spectacular palace it was. It cost even more that Hampton Court to build. The shame is that there is hardly a sign of it left in .....


Linking with our Rotary friends in Germany
