Terms and Conditions

Please read this page to understand the key terms and conditions.

CONDITIONS of entry to the Dip which are to be accepted by each individual dipper:

By registering, you agree to the following conditions: 
1) You are undertaking this Dip entirely at your own risk and have consulted you GP if you consider that you may be affected by the cold water.

2) You understand that there is a non-refundable minimum donation of £10 per person to enter the Dip to cover costs of publicity, administration and donations to organisations which facilitate the Dip, with any balance going to charitable causes in the Redcar area. 

3) You have read the Health and Safety advice below.

4) You are 12 years or older. 

5) Children 12 years or older or vulnerable adults must either be accompanied by a responsible adult or under the supervision of a group leader if they are part of a group.

6) You will not hold my own bucket collection but will raise any funds through sponsorship.


For your own safety and the safety of others please take note of the following advice:

On the beach:

·       Congregate in the designated area between the Lifeboat and Dundas slipways.

·       Wait for instructions from the Marshalls.

·       Only enter the sea when instructed to do so.

·       Remain considerate to other dippers at all times.

In the Sea:

·       Do not go out of your depth.

·       The sea is very cold so don’t stay in too long.

Follow any advice provided by the Lifeboat crews or HM Coastguard.

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Common Questions

more You'll find everything you need to know about the registration process here.

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Boxing Day Dip 2024

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