5th Thursday - Meeting with Ladies

Thu, Aug 31st 2017 at 7:00 pm - 9:45 pm

Dr Paul Dean - From Talk and Chalk to Mouse and Screen

Having taught in senior schools in Manchester and Portsmouth for twenty years, Paul arrived in Oxford in 2000 as Head of English at the Dragon School, and later occupied the same post at Summer Fields.  He retired from full-time teaching in 2015 but continues as a part-timer at both schools and is just about to begin his 40th year of teaching. 

Philip BobbyContact Philip Bobby about this page:

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Introducing Vixen, our puppy partner at Dogs For Good


Our aim is to raise money to install defibrillators with 24-hour access across Oxford


The main beneficiary from this years event will be: DOGS FOR GOOD


Rotary's own Charity and supported by us in various ways.


(Stroke Awareness) Templar Square Cowley 9am to 5pm Saturday 18th April 2015


Our International effort is focussed on making links with Rotary clubs and memebers in other countries and establishing joint projects.


Foundation is Rotary's own charity

The car show 2014: one of our winners - best car pre 1940.

Responsible for the general fundraising of the club and organising small teams to project manage the major fundraising events


Rotary Club Of Oxford Isis is happy to welcome its newest member Simon Sholl, who we know will be a huge asset to the club.


Davinder is induced by President Bill and welcomed by District president Laurie Cunningham.


Service news update from RIBI
