Dementia Disc (dementia information and support courses)

Wed, Apr 20th 2022 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Supporting East Sussex

Dementia Disc: Louise Steares-Smith and Emma Jones

The Club’s speaker on 20th April 2022 was Louise Steares-Smith who spoke about the organisation she set up with her colleague Emma Jones four years ago, Dementia Disc (dementia information and support courses). The organisation, which is dedicated to providing advice and help to the carers of people with dementia, was formed when Alzheimer’s UK withdrew its support services from the south east and replaced them with a telephone enquiry service. Louise and Emma who both had worked for Alzheimer’s UK decided that there was a big gap that needed to be filled and so set up DISC. Their wealth of experience and knowledge between them enabled them to provide the services that would help carers through their experiences. From the outset Louise and Emma agreed that they would support carers from pre-diagnosis and continue after the caring need had stopped and that their services would always be free of charge.

DISC currently provides multiple facilitated support groups every month for the carers of people living with Dementia, six-week courses to learn about the disease and various strategies and for carers who cannot or would prefer not to attend a support group, they can offer information, support and signposting over the phone, by post or email.

The organisation covers the whole of East Sussex and they have around 350 to 400 carers that they help. They have recently taken over an office in the Robsack Centre, St Leonards, rather than work from home. DISC is registered as a Community Interest Company (CIC) rather than a charity which enables Emma and Louise to draw wages and enables them to retain control and make instant decisions. Their income is generated by a two-year Lottery grant and by running professional course packages for corporate staff training. DISC is also an East Sussex small grants holder to provide training as needed.

The club was pleased to make a donation to the organisation.

Further information may be found on DISC’s website

'What We Do' Main Pages:

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Chartered in 1985, we operate within the Hastings and Rother District of East Sussex, England


