Service Recognition Award

Wed, Nov 6th 2019 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Sue Pellett Parker receives Service Recognition Award

A Bexhill Swimming Coach has received Rotary’s Service Recognition Award for her work in the community. Bexhill Swimming Club’s Head Coach, Sue Pellett Parker, was presented with the award by President Fitz Fitzgraham at a ceremony at the Cooden Beach Hotel on Wednesday, 6th November. Sue was nominated by Rotarian Marcia Bryant, “I nominated Sue Pellett for the ‘Service Recognition Award’ for her outstanding contribution to Bexhill Swimming Club and within the community. Sue has been involved with Bexhill Swimming Club since she was 8 years old and swam competitively for them for a number of years.  When she was 14, she transferred to Hastings Seagulls to enable her to compete at county and national level, winning numerous medals and titles over the years. When her son joined Bexhill Swimming Club at the age of 5 years old, she rejoined as a Master’s Swimmer. It was then when she started to help in the water during Club sessions.

“She joined the Club Committee and has been a Committee Member for past 26 years.  From helping out in the water she quickly moved on to help the Head Coach and took her level 1 and level 2 teaching Aquatics.  At the age of 47 she was asked to ‘look after’ the Club for 6 weeks as interim Head Coach.  She has now been Head Coach of Bexhill Swimming Club for 15 years.  Sue is at poolside 3 times a week coaching children with her team of volunteers. Sue has restructured the Club over the years to take non-swimmers through to competitive young adults. She continues to swim 100 lengths every Saturday morning and tells her son that she could still beat him over 25m.Sue is also is a Lifeguard and holds her National Pool Lifeguard Qualification.

“In her spare time Sue is always actively raising money for The Brain Tumour Charity with her sister Angela.  To raise money, she takes part in sponsored walks, hosts bingo evenings or is baking cakes to sell.  When she is not baking to sell, she is baking cakes to give to others to sell for their chosen Charities, including ours.

“Sue is always willing to help everyone in any way she can, but she never asks for help herself. Sue’s dedication to Bexhill Swimming Club and the Community is outstanding and that is why I nominated her for this award.”

Sue said she was honoured, privileged and genuinely shocked. “This award really just signifies the strength of our swimming club and I know I am just the lucky one to be here representing all of those who make Bexhill Swimming Club a safe and enjoyable place to be. Our club is just one cog in the wheel of our community and I have always felt a real sense of joy and achievement when I turn up on poolside- well most of the time. Those who are involved in clubs know that it's more than just sport. The social and emotional support we all put in place to guide and advice these young children and young adolescence is invaluable. Without the thankless hours our volunteers put in, our club and clubs like ours just would not exist”

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Chartered in 1985, we operate within the Hastings and Rother District of East Sussex, England


