Bowling at Ninfield Bowls Club

Wed, Jun 6th 2018 at 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm


The forecast for Wednesday, 6 June, was for widespread woods scurrying across the manicured grass of Ninfield Bowls to precipitate themselves on the little white sun, aka “the jack” somewhere ahead. There was of course the long and short of it, short and long jacks, short and long woods mixed in with a variety of too wide and too narrow. There was also a mixture of skills, some more proficient and some who were on the mat for the first time. But whatever, as the correspondent understands, everyone had a wonderful time. Not all ventured their skills on the green but were satisfied to enjoy the antics from the sidelines.  After the bowls the players, spectators and those who couldn’t make Ninfield enjoyed a social meal – and no doubt, a few pints at the Black Horse Inn at Telham

It sounds like a very pleasant evening and a very big thank you to Ninfield Bowls Club for allowing the club to use the green, the facilities and the expertise.

As a regular bowls player myself, but unable to join in on that evening, I tell myself that bowls is the easiest game of all to play. You only need to get two things right – the weight and the green. Easy? But mostly, ne’er the twain shall meet and thereby hangs the challenge.

The photographs are courtesy of Rotarian Marcia Bryant

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Potentially life-saving equipment has been installed on Sidley High Street, Bexhill.


Promoting disability football throughout Sussex and providing competition for people of all abilities.

Jeremey Heynes  handing over Ready Readers to Eddie McCall of the Yellowmen

from Barracloughs in Bexhill


Andy Cruttenden is the new President of Senlac Rotary


The Rotary Club of Senlac is sad to announce the death of long-term member Glyn Parry


Senlac Rotary Club are pleased to be able to donate to Care for The Carers East Sussex


Chartered in 1985, we operate within the Hastings and Rother District of East Sussex, England


