Visit to Just Historic Cars, St Leonards on Sea

Wed, Dec 6th 2017 at 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

When Melvin Floyd started to feel that his job in the company he had co-founded was becoming too commercialised and he was too far removed from the shop floor, he decided to give up that job and go into partnership with three others, all with the same passionate interest in historic, and set up another business. Their intention is to provide their passion for the job with the passion of the historic car owners. In May 2016 Just Historic Cars (JHC) took over a workshop on the Castleham Estate in St Leonards and started trading. They specialise in 50’s and 60’s sports car to which they bring a wide range of experience. The company undertakes servicing, full restoration, engine re-builds and race preparations dealing with many classic marques including AC, Allard, Jenson and Jaguar as well as the Lister Cambridge which is now being worked on. Much of the work they do is not available through main dealers.

The club was shown round both the JHC workshop and the IDL workshop which undertakes body work and rebuilding of the same types of cars. IDL, a separate company, and JHC work closely together by providing services that the other company cannot do. Our guides, Melvin and co- director, Dave Coussens of JHC spoke in depth about the cars in the workshop and the work being done on them. In the IDL workshop director Gordon Russell showed the work in progress and explained how they go about the work of body repairs and rebuilding.

Dave Miles, for the club, gave a vote of thanks before the club repaired to the Black Horse, Telham, to continue the evening relaxed time over a very good meal.

A very interesting evening even for people like the author of the piece who has little interest in cars other than going from A to B – contrary to popular belief A does not mean home and B the pub.But if you do have an interest and more than a few grand to spare……..

Thanks to Pat Connor for organising – the man did well!

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