Parkinson's UK

Wed, May 20th 2015 at 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Parkinson"™s Society Benefits from Donations

Parkinson’s UK Research and the Bexhill, Hastings and Rother Branch have both received donations from the Rotary Club of Senlac. Parkinson’s disease affects about 127,000 people in the UK. Alyson Smith, the Regional Fundraiser South East for Parkinson’s UK, spoke about how the Society provides help and support to those with Parkinson’s disease in the UK. Apart from nursing and care at home there is a massive emphasis on research to eliminate or reduce the effects of the disease.  This is not straightforward because it is so difficult to ascertain the cause and why it is so variable. The society works with pharmaceutical companies in the development of drugs, and funds research into the causes and potential treatments including stem cell treatment. The Society is closing watching developments in China where much stem cell research is currently being done.

After the talk Rotary Club of Senlac President, Christine Folley, presented cheques of £1,000 to both Alyson Smith for Parkinson’s UK Research and to John Griffith of the Rotary Club of Bexhill for the Bexhill, Hastings and Rother Branch.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Senlac Rotary Club are pleased to be able to donate to Care for The Carers East Sussex


Potentially life-saving equipment has been installed on Sidley High Street, Bexhill.


Promoting disability football throughout Sussex and providing competition for people of all abilities.

Jeremey Heynes  handing over Ready Readers to Eddie McCall of the Yellowmen

from Barracloughs in Bexhill


Andy Cruttenden is the new President of Senlac Rotary


The Rotary Club of Senlac is sad to announce the death of long-term member Glyn Parry


Chartered in 1985, we operate within the Hastings and Rother District of East Sussex, England


