Bowling in the Park

Members and Friends of the Rotary Club of Calverley enjoy a social evening of Crown Green Bowling at Calverley Bowling Club

Members, their partners and Friends of the Rotary Club of Calverley once again enjoyed an evening of Bowling on the 25th of June 2024, kindly hosted by Calverley Bowling Club. 

The annual Rotary social event was arranged by Rotarian David Cavill in conjunction with the Calverley Bowling Club. Bowling Club members patiently coached teams of 4 players consisting of Rotarians, their partners and friends which enabled all to improve their skills. After some initially very strange techniques all players made progress which lead to very close games. 

As a mark of the Rotary Club's appreciation of the time and expertise freely given by Calverley Bowling Club a donation was made by the Rotary Club into the Bowling Club's account to help with the upkeep of the grounds etc. 

After an a couple of hours playing all the teams had worked up an good appetite which was met by the buffet they had afterwards at Calverley Golf Club. 

Many thanks once more to Calverley Bowling Club for their excellent tuition and hospitality... we are all looking forward to next years event.  

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Club President Carole Owczarek wearing the president's chain of office

Rotarian Carole Owczarek takes over as club president from Rotarian Richard Young.

William Ellis is presented with a sponsorship cheque from President Elect Carole Owczarek and Rotarian David Hastings.

Talented young cricketer William Ellis was bowled over to receive sponsorship from Calverley Rotary Club.

Bowling in Calverley Park

Members and Friends of the Rotary Club of Calverley enjoy a social evening of Crown Green Bowling at Calverley Bowling Club

Rotarians assembling before the Calverley Carnival Parade around the Park

Calverley Rotary club were delighted to be in the Calverley Carnival Parade and later play games in the park to raise money for local causes.

Members of Calverley Rotary Club filling Boxes to take to the foodbank

A monthly food donation is made to Trussell Trust foodbank by Calverley Rotary Club

New casing for defibrillator case

Calverley Rotary Club was proud to fund a new Defibrillator case in Farsley.


A list of whom we have supported over the last five years.

facebook site

details of our facebook site which gives weekly updates on our work, local causes and events

RYLA awardees after completing their course

Interviews have taken place for the 2024 RYLA course.

The Calverley Owl Column

How The Calverley Millennium Way was created


Whilst it was difficult to fundraise during the pandemic we have been distributing some of our reserves to local and international causes.


Santa's Grotto 2023

Final step and fundraising totals, after 31 days of walking in March 2024!

President Elect Carole Owczarek and her husband John take on the March the Month Challenge to raise funds and awareness for Prostate Cancer research and treatment

Mobility Scooter ready for re-sale

Mobility Scooters help raise funds for Calverley in Bloom


Good news about polio

Rotarian Carole Owczarek's 100 mile challenge October 2022

Rotarian Carole Owczarek walks 100 miles in October 2022 for Cancer Research
