Southport Meols Rotary - Youth Speaks

Tue, Mar 21st 2017 at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

The event will take place at The Ramada, Southport on 21st March 2017
Arrival 6pm for a prompt start at 6.45pm
The cost of the Evening is £22 per person and early reservation is essential

Southport Meols Rotary - Youth Speaks
Did you know March is Rotary Literacy Month but in Southport Meols we are focusing on the skill of Public Speaking. 

We have a FANTASTIC event lined up for you this month.............
"Southport Meols Youth Speaks"
Every year Southport High Schools, compete for the Southport Meols "Krishnan Cup" named after one of our late Club member's who believed young people must be given a platform to participate in the skill of public speaking.

In previous years there has been one speaker from each School but this Spring, in preparation for taking part in the National Rotary Youth Speaks competition from 2017/18, Schools will put forward teams of three, offering young people:
  • experience of speaking on a public platform as a member of a team
  • an incentive to formulate ideas on topical subjects
  • discipline in dealing with a topic in a limited time - each team has 10 minutes to speak
  • the opportunity of learning and practising high standards of expression, presentation and appearance 
  • impartial feedback of performance by experienced adjudicators'
This year's subject is: Brexit, what does it mean to today's youth.

If you would like to join us to support what promises to be an excellent evening showcasing the talented youngsters in our local Secondary Schools;

The event will take place at The Ramada, Southport on 21st March 2017
Arrival 6.00pm for a prompt start at 6.45pm.
After the presentations there will be a 2-course meal, while our panel of judges deliberate over the entries, followed by the announcement of the winning team and presentation of Cups and Prizes.

The cost of the Evening is £22 per person and, as numbers are limited, early reservation is essential. 

To book your place please contact our Secretary on

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Supporting Lord Street in Bloom, who are Friends of Southport Meols Rotary.


Our Rotary club holds very strong values around friendship and we have in place our own social team who are very active in arranging fun and interesting days and evenings out.


Press releases, our latest news, and visits to other clubs by our President and club members


Bringing the community together with fabulous festive music and song.

Krishnan Cup

Our Annual Secondary Schools' Public Speaking Competition Final continues to delight us with the high standard of candidates.


Southport Meols Rotary are always looking for new ways to help support ShelterBox, we are very proud of the support we give at The Southport Flower Show every year.

Friends working together

Can't commit to full membership but still want to be involved?

Discover Rotary at Southport Meols

Southport Meols welcomes both ladies and gentlemen, who would like to give something back to the community.

Amy's Swag Cheque Presentation - 5th June 2018

Amy's Swag is a small charity that brings comfort to young people undergoing cancer treatments in this area


Every Friday our Members drive patients from Queenscourt Hospice out-patients to and from the Hospice for treatment. Each year our members also help Queenscourt Hospice marshal the Star Trekk 7 mile walk.


While visiting National Conference in Manchester 2017, we met Luke Simon, Founder of the charity School in a Bag, We were so inspired by their work that we felt we wanted to support this worthwhile cause.


Every year we are fortunate to work with Tesco where we fundraise over the weekends on the run up to Christmas.


Join us once a year when we join forces with Rotarians all over the World to raise money for 'End Polio'


WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are currently collecting empty INKJET CARTRIDGES. We send them off and receive a payment which is then helps us to support charities we choose. (Note: Mobile phones and EPSON ink cartridges are no longer recyclable)


Southport Meols Rotary has worked alongside Stanley High School Head Master, Neil Moore, and teacher Jen Donnelly and successfully introduced 11 members already, with a potential to grow even more.
