Latest News

Press releases, our latest news, and visits to other clubs by our President and club members

Tuesday 23rd July 2019 - Club Night: Speaker from Southport Foodbank/Compassion Acts

Tonight we dedicated our club night to Richard Owens from Southport Foodbank. Richard spoke passionately about the vision of unity and forming connections within the community. Most importantly about helping those who are in need beyond a quick fix.

Southport Foodbank issues about 3000 vouchers a year helping anyone from Tarleton all the way to Formby. A single voucher can provide between 3-5 days food, which could make all the difference.

The foodbank is currently in low supply of cartons of fruit juice, custard, tinned puddings, tinned meat and tinned tuna. If you think you can help, use the collection points at either Kew Tesco or Asda at Central 12.

For more information about the foodbank you can call 01704 544419 or visit

Tuesday 22nd January 2019 - Cheque Presentation Night

Held in the Conservatory at the Mount Pleasant Pub, this was our opportunity to thank some of the organisations that have helped us with our Christmas Carol Service and Tesco Collections this festive season.

Tuesday 20th November 2018
Dementia Friends Information Evening

Southport Meols Rotary Members and local resident guests recently joined the ‘dementia friendly’ campaign. A group of 19 people in Southport became ‘Dementia Friends’, as part of a campaign to tackle the stigma and lack of understanding around the condition. The group attended a free one-hour Information Session at Greenbank High School Southport run by local Dementia Friends Champion Joe Sherville. Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Friends programme is the biggest ever initiative to change people’s perceptions of dementia. It aims to transform the way the nation thinks, talks and acts about the condition. The charity wants there to be a four million Dementia Friends by 2020 with the know-how to help people with dementia feel understood and included in their community. There are currently 850,000 people living with the condition in England. Dementia Friends Champions are volunteers who talk to people about being a Dementia Friend in their communities. Speaking about the Session, Joe Sherville Dementia Friends Champion said: ‘I was so pleased to see people showing their support for people with dementia, by coming along to the Session and becoming Dementia Friends. We need to create more communities and businesses that are dementia friendly so that people affected by dementia feel understood and included    

Contact: Joe Sherville 07767151099

Tuesday 13th November 2018
35th Charter Night, Youth Speaks & Krishnan Cup

On Tuesday night, Southport Meols combined our 35th Charter Night with the fantastic Youth Speaks & Krishnan Cup Competition. The winning team was Greenbank High who now go through to the National Finals. Congratulations to the winners but also a huge well done to runners up - Birkdale and Stanley High School teams who both presented well balanced and confident speeches. Thank you to everyone who attended - we couldn’t do it without you!

Fri 13th & Sat 14th July 2018

’Celebrate SONG’  - Members of Southport Meoks once again assisted SONG with their annual summer show. Manning the bar and running a fabulous raffle we managed to raise over £350 for this amazing group. 

Tuesday 19th Jun 2018

Press Release in Southport Visiter about Amy’s Swag.

Tuesday 24th October

A warm welcome to John French who was inducted as a new member of Southport Meols Rotary tonight.

We had a Soup Supper raising vital funds for Eradicating Polio, £101.10 was raised with only 11 of us present.

We got lots of work done planning our up coming events, we are really excited about our busy calendar for the next few months and with so many groups and people needing our help there is a lot to do, if you are interested in helping us make a difference to our community, then why not pop along to one of our meetings and see what we do, or you can direct message us right here on this page.

18th October 2017

It is with absolute delight we can announce that one of our Southport Meals Rotarians will be District Governor in 2020 in District 1180.

Congratulations David Hartley PHF 

We are so pleased for you and we are all there to help and support you as our clubs first ever  District Governor in our 34 years.....

It was also a sucessful evening for our Public Image Chair Lisa Carlin-Whittle winning The Best Social Media District Trophy for our Club, do you know you can follow us on Facebook? Southport Meols Rotary

President Sue July 2016 - June 2017

Awaiting Information

President Ged July 2015 - June 2016

July 2015 A Handful of SONG

August 2015 T& T tours trip to Blackpool.

August Shelter Box, Victoria Park.

August - Brave the shave, Terry & David shave their hair off for Macmillan.

September- Rotary Costal Walk

September 2015 - 1180  Rotary Disabled Fun games in Chester.

Attending District Conference

November - Rememberance Sunday, laying a wreath on behalf of Southport Meols Rotary.

November 17th Charter Evening.

8th December- Club Christmas Dinner.

15th December- Carol Concert.

Continuing- Lord Street in Bloom - providing insurance for Lord Street in Bloom

Christmas 2015 - weekend collections for Rotary charities in association with Tesco Kew.

15th February- Mick Duce Trophy 

Attending National Conference

15th March - Young Speaker Competition.

April 2016 - Discover Rotary , welcoming anyone interested in joining Rotary to come along and see what we do.

May 2016 - Bookstall, teas & helping with hosting competitions.

May 19th - Assisting Queenscourt with Star Trekk car parking, marshalling, and we have 2 Rotarians from our club walking.

19th June 2016 Rotary Costal Walk

July 16th 2016, working in association with SONG to promote and present their summer show "The Many Sides Of Song"

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Discover Rotary at Southport Meols

Southport Meols welcomes both ladies and gentlemen, who would like to give something back to the community.

Amy's Swag Cheque Presentation - 5th June 2018

Amy's Swag is a small charity that brings comfort to young people undergoing cancer treatments in this area


Every Friday our Members drive patients from Queenscourt Hospice out-patients to and from the Hospice for treatment. Each year our members also help Queenscourt Hospice marshal the Star Trekk 7 mile walk.


While visiting National Conference in Manchester 2017, we met Luke Simon, Founder of the charity School in a Bag, We were so inspired by their work that we felt we wanted to support this worthwhile cause.


Every year we are fortunate to work with Tesco where we fundraise over the weekends on the run up to Christmas.


Join us once a year when we join forces with Rotarians all over the World to raise money for 'End Polio'


WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are currently collecting empty INKJET CARTRIDGES. We send them off and receive a payment which is then helps us to support charities we choose. (Note: Mobile phones and EPSON ink cartridges are no longer recyclable)


Southport Meols Rotary has worked alongside Stanley High School Head Master, Neil Moore, and teacher Jen Donnelly and successfully introduced 11 members already, with a potential to grow even more.


Supporting Lord Street in Bloom, who are Friends of Southport Meols Rotary.


Our Rotary club holds very strong values around friendship and we have in place our own social team who are very active in arranging fun and interesting days and evenings out.


Press releases, our latest news, and visits to other clubs by our President and club members


Bringing the community together with fabulous festive music and song.

Krishnan Cup

Our Annual Secondary Schools' Public Speaking Competition Final continues to delight us with the high standard of candidates.


Southport Meols Rotary are always looking for new ways to help support ShelterBox, we are very proud of the support we give at The Southport Flower Show every year.

Friends working together

Can't commit to full membership but still want to be involved?
